1926-1927 Academic Catalog

COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Hours per week Hours per week French .................................. 3 or 4 General Psychology ........... ......... 3 German ..................................3 or 4 Bible .................................... 3 Latin ...................................... 3 or 4 College Rhetoric ................ 3 Greek ...................... ........... ... 3 or 4 General Zoology ................ 4 College A lgebra ....... ........... 4 General Botany ....... ... ........ 4 Trigonometry ........................ 4 General Chemis try ............ 4 Extemporaneous Speaking.... 1 College Phys ics .................. 4 Limit of Work No student pursuing the arts curriculum will be permitted to take work for credit amounting to more than eighteen hours per week per .semester, and no student, the majority of whose grades, reckoned m terms of semester hours, for the preceding semester was not A will be allowed to take work for credit amounting to more than fifteen hours per week per semester. Time Required Ordinarily the completion of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the arts curriculum takes four years. THE ARTS-EDUCATION CURRICULUM Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and the State High School Certificate This curriculum is intended for those who wish a regular collegiate education and in addition thorough preparation for teach– ing in high schools. Its completion requires residence work to the amount of one hundred and twenty credits or semester-hours. Upon the completion of this course the ,student receives from Cedarville College a diploma of graduation, and the degree of Bachelor of Arts. From the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Ohio he receives, without examination, a provisional Cf:'r– tificate entitling him to teach in any high school, or to superintend schools in any school district in the state for a period of four years. After the holder of this provisional certificate has taught upon it successfully for twenty-four months, he is given, also without any examination, a state life high school certificate. The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts and the state high school certificate in the arts-education curriculum are as follows: 1. Bible (six semester-hours selected from this department); 2. College Rhetoric (six semester-hours); 3. English Literature (three semester-hours); 4. Foreign Language (from twelve to sixteen semester-hours, including two yc-ars' work in one language o•r one year's work in each of two languages, selected from the foliowing: French, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew); 5. Natural Science (eight semester-hours, including any one of the following sciences: Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, or Physics ; each science being pursued t hroughout an entire collegiate year) ; 6. History (three semester-hours, a required course in American history); 7. Oratory (four semester-hours) ; 8. Argumentation and Debating (four semester-hours ); 9. General Psychology (three semester-hours); 10. Logic (three semester-hours); 11 Social Science (six Semester-hours, selected from the de– partments of ~conomics :>.nd sociology); 12. Ethics (three semester-hours); T'AGE SEVENTEEN