1926-1927 Academic Catalog

OLLEGI TE DEPARTME 1 T tio:1 f e of twenty-five dollar~ , a contingent fee of ten dollars, and an athl tic fee of five dollar per emester. The athletic fee secures t he r ight to a ticket of admis ion to all athletic contests conducted by the coll ge. Th e laboratory fees in lementary ch mistry, b iol ogy and physics are six dollar s per sem ster. In advanced cours s the laboratory f ee is t en doll ar s per semester. The breakage deposit in chemistr y is five dollar s per semester. After breakage has been deducted, t he r ema inder is returned. The graduation an d dipl oma fee, payable wi th tuition fee a t the beginning of the second semest er of t he last year of the cour se, is five dollars to those t aking t he degr ee of Bach elo r of Ar ts, or Bachelor of Science. No r eba te of laboratory, con tingent or athlet ic f ees will b e granted. In case of students compelled by sickness or other unavoidable cir– cumstances to leave the college before the end of the semest er, rebates will be granted as follows on tuition: Before the end of two weeks, 80 % ; before the end of four weeks, 60 % ; before the end of six weeks, 40 %; after the sixth week no rebate will be made. No rebate will be made to students who are "dropped from the rolls." Boarding Club In order to insure good wholesome food at lowest possible cost to the students a Boarding Club is maintained in the Library building. Expenses Expenses at Cedarville are probably as low as can be found anywhere in the United States, and are much lower than in many places. Expenses for clothing, laundry and sundries vary greatly with the individual, who can, therefore, better estimate them for himself. College fees, boarding, room rent, and cost of text-books vary with the locality. Consequently, the following estimates are based upon these items. In the years in which science courses are taken, from t en to twenty dollars must be added for laboratory fees, and from three to ten dollars for breakage in courses in chemistry. Summary of Expenses for a Year (Estimated) Tuition, cont ingrnt and athletic fees ------ - ------ - - -- --- Text-books ... ....... ...... ...... ... .... .... ...... ........... ..... ..... .... .. ......... ....... .. Room Rent, including light and heat and complete furnishings $2.00 per week----------------------- -- - ---- - - ------- Bo::i.rding, $4.? fi per week, ____ (estimated minimum) __ __ ___ $80.00 15.00 72.00 153.00 Total - - . -- . - - - - - - - __ ·--- ____ __________ _______ - -- --$320.00 Opportunities for Self-Help Arrangements have been made by which a limited number of students trom a distance, properly recommended, may be given work s~fficient. to .defray at least a part of their expenses. Ass1st ance 1s given to students in finding work. It is believed that no young man or woman, possessed of good health energy and determ.ination, need be deprived of the advantages' of a c~llege educat10n merely for the lack of means wherewith to defray ex– penses. Students who are working their way through college are honored by all at Cedarville College, and are given every encourage- PAGE TWENTY-FOUR