1926-1927 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF NORMAL COLLEGIATE STUDIES BIBLE AND PROFE SORS McCHESNEY, ROBISON AND JURKAT Bl. OLD TESTAMENT-Patriarchal and Hebrew History, poetry, and prophecy. Texts: the Bible, Steele's OutlineR, and Bailey and Kent's Evolution of the Hcbr w ommonwealth. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Pro– f ssor Robison. B2. NEW TESTAMENT-The life of Christ, the Acts of the Apostles, the life of Paul, the Epistles and Revelation. Texts: the Bible, Steele's Outlineij, Stalker's Life of Christ, Gilbert's Life of Paul. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Robison. BS. BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY-The tes timony of the monuments to the truth of the Scriptures. Various texts are used from year to year . Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. Given every third year. Professor Robi- son. B4. BIBLICAL CUSTOMS-The light shed upon t he Bible by Eastern man– ners and customs. Text: Rice's Orientalisms in Bible Land s. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year . Given every third year. Professor Robison . B6. OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE- A study of the writings of the Old Testament. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Jurkat. BG. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE-A study of the writings of the New Testament. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Not given every year. P rofessor Jurkat. B7. S. S. Lessons and Methods. On e hou r a week. Professor McChesney. BIOLOGY PROFESSOR FRASER Zl. GENERAL ZOO'LOGY-A general survey of animal life from the stand– point of morphology, phys iology, and development. Texts: Parker, Hegner. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Zla. Same as Zl, except that the laboratory work is not required. Elective after required work in Science is completed. Z2. GENERAL BOTANY--Study of morphology, physiology, taxonomy and economics of plants. Texts: Densmore, Cook. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Z2a. Same a s Z2 , except that the laboratory work is not required. Elective after required work in science is completed. CHEMISTRY PROFESSOR FRASER AND :MR. :MYERS Cl. GENERAL CHEMISTRY-A study of the various element& and their compounds as to their occurrence, preparation, properties, and use. Text: Mc– Pherson and Henders on. Elective, Four hours a week throughout the year. Cla. Same a s Cl, except that laboratory work is not required. Elective after required work in Science is completed. C2. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS-The principles of gravimetric and volu– metric analysis, with practical application to typical minerals and metals, ·includ– ing the solution of practical laboratory problems. Text: Smith. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Prerequisite, C4 . Open to Juniors only. C3. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY--Study of carbon and its compounds, including both aliphatic and aromatic series. General qualitative analys is of organic com– pounds is taken up in the second semester. Text : Norris. Five hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Open to Seniors and special studenh. C4. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS-Analysis of metals, a cids and bases ; knowns and unknowns. One laboratory period throughout the year. Prerequisite to C2. DRAWING PROFESSOR FRASER Dl. MECHANICAL DRAWING-Mechanical drawing and des criptive geom– etry. Instruction is largely individual. T exts: French's Engineering Drawing and Graves ' and Reinhard's Lettering. Electi ve. Two hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. D2. ISOMETRIC-ASSEMBLY-DETAIL-Architectural blue prints and maps. ECONOMICS PROFESSOR ROBISON . ~1 AND N2 . PRI~CIPLES OF ECONOMICS-Production, exchange dis– tnbuti?~· and consumption, labor, capital, a ss ociation, money, credit, com~erce, collectiv1sm, co-operation, wages, interest, and profits. Text: Carver. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT
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