1926-1927 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES L7. HORACE-Copious selections !tom the Odes, Satires, and Epistles are made the basis for a study o( Latin poe.try. 'fext: Chase and Stuart. Elective. Thrl! hours n we k, one semester. Not given every year. Professor McChesney. LS. TACITUS-The Life of Agricola and the hi story of Germany. Text : Allen. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every yea\ Professor McChesney. L9. JUVENAL-The origin, development, and purpose of the satire, and the morals a nd customs of the Romans under the Empire. Text: Linds ay . Elective, Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Professor McChesney MATHEMATICS PROFESSORS TUTTLE AND FRASER Ml. COLLEGE ALGEBRA-Progres~ions, permut:ations, comb!nati?ns, Pr?b- ability, complex numbers, theory of eq~a~1ons, deterll'!mants! and mfimte series, Text: Wentworth. Elective. Prerequ1s1te: l ¥., umts, High School Algebra. Four hours a week, one semester. Profess.or Tutti~. . . . M2. TRIGONOMETRY-Trigonometric f.u nctions m their relation to ~he solution of the triangle both plane and spheri cal. Text: Wen~worth and Smith. Elective. Prerequisite: 11h unit High School Algebra and l unit Plane Geometr:,. Four hours a week, one semester. Professor Tuttle. M3 . ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY- Rectilinear and polar co-ordinates, with their applications to the point, line, circle, conic s ections , both in the plane and in space. Text: W entwor t h. Elective. Prerequisite: College Algebra and Trigo– nometry. Three hours a week throughout the y ear. Not given every year. Pro– fessor Tuttle. M4 . CALCULUS-Differential and integral calculus with special applications to physics . Text: Granville. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Tuttle. M6. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY-Elective, Prerequis ites, Ml-M4 inclusive. 3 hours a week. P r ofessor Fraser. M6. METHODS IN TEACHING SECONDARY MATHEMATICS-Treatment of modern practice in teaching Algebra, -Geometry and Arithmetic in the second– ary schools. Two hours a week. Second semester. Professor Tuttle. MISSIONS PROFESSOR ROBISON 11. GENERAL COURSE IN MISSIONS-The problems, pos sibilities. means and obligations -0f evangelizing the world, and the motives, aims, and methods of the foreign missionary. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. I2. THE NEW FOREIGN FIELD- A study of the effect of Christianity on social conditions and the modern methods of missionary activity. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. 13. MISSIONARY BIOGRAPHY- The lives o! noted miss ionaries of all Christian denominations and fields are studied for their ins piration and practical information. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. MUSIC PROFESSOR TALCOTT Vl. ELECTIVE MUSIC-Elective work in music to the amount o! eight credits will be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts , in the cas e of students enrolled in the collegiate depart ment or in case of graduates of the department of mu sic who afterwards enroll in the collegiate department. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing mus ic must pay the u s ual fees for less ons in mu s ic in addition to the regular collegiate tuition fee s . See the Department of Music for the nature of the work offered. PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR McCHESNEY P2. H[STORY OF PHILOSOPHY-Greek Philosophy first and second periods; Philosophy of the Middle Ages, first and second per'iods; Modern Philo– sophy, first, second, third and fourt h periods. Three hours a week, elective. J:'3. LOG[C-Terms, propositions, syllogisms, fallacies. Text: J evons-Hill. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. P4. ETHICS-Theoretical and practical ethics. Virtues freedom duty and individual and social obligations. Texts : Gregory: Drake, ar:d Coffin. ' Required. Three hours a week, one semester. PHYSICS PROFESSOR FRASER !1.. GENERAL P~~SICS-Mechanics, heat, electricity, sound, and light. T~xt · Kimball. Prerequ1s1tes: One yoor of elementary physics, one semester of trigonometry and one s emester of college algebra. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the y ear. Yla. Same a s Yl, except that laboratory work is not required. Elective after required work in science is completed. PAGE THIRTY-TWO
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