1926-1927 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES PUBLIC SPEAKING PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND ROBISON ~1. PR!N(?IPLES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING-The fundamentals of effective spe_akmg, principles of breathing, voice-pr_oduction, enunciation, and aotion; dehv!ry of extracts from the works of writers and speakers. Text: Phillipa. Required. Two hours a week, first semester. (Professor McChesney). 02. . ORATORY-The ~istinctive characteristics of oratorical style; the ~asterp1eces o_f r~presenta~1:ve orators are analyzed, and the principles thus d1sco:vered applied m the wr1tmg and delivery of original orations. Text: Phillips Required. Two hours a week, second semester. (Professor McChesney). · e 'd 03. ARGU:MENTBA'.1'1fOdN _AND ~EBATING-Argumentation, analysis, v1 ence, persu a sion. . ne - rawmg. Written arguments. Oral debating. The theory of argumentatinn. Text: Ketcham. Required. Two hours a week throughout the year. (Professor Robison). 04. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING-Ins truction constant practice, and criticism in actual public spegking. Elective. One hou; a week throughout the year. (Professor Robison). 05. ADVANOED ORATORY-Elective. One hour a week. Professor Mc– Chesney. A4 . PARLIAMENTARY LAW-Instru ction in fundamental principles and actual practice in conducting publi~ meetings. Text: Cushing. Elective. One hour a week, one semester. Not given every year. (Prof. Robison. ) PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND ROBISON Ql. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY-Consciousness, sensation, perception, memory, feelings, imagination, thought, reasoning and the will. Text: Breese; Angell; Warren. Required. Should be taken before Junior year. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor McChesney. Q3. PAIDOLOGY-A scientific study of child life and consciousness. Text: Kirkpatrick. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite Ql. Not given every year. Professor Robison. Q4. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-Elementary exPeriments in the various phases of conscious phenomena. Texts: Thorndike: Seashore : Starch. Elective. Prerequisite: Ql. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Mc– Chesney. RELIGION PROFESSOR McCHESNEY RI. APOLOGETICS-The evidences of Christianity and natural theology. Text : Turton. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. SOCIOLOGY PROFESSOR ROBISON SI. GENERAL SOCIOLOGY--Social evolution, and sociGlogical principles with special reference to modern social problems. Text: Ellwood. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Given every third year. S2. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY-CoUective knowing, feeling, and wiUing; the 1>sychology of the crowd. Text: Ross. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Given every third year. S3. AMERICAN PROBLEMS--Social institutions. A study of the pro– blems of d·emocracy. Text: Morehouse-Graham. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite, Sl, or NL Not given every year. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION BROFESSOR TUTTLE AND MISS HASTINGS PElA. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN-(Required of all men students unles s excused by President and Dean of College). Professor Tuttle. PElB. PHYSICAL EDUCATION F10R WOMEN-(Required of all women students unless excused by President and Dean) . Mi ss Hastings. PE2A. COA,CH;J:NG FOR MEN-A thorough study of rules, theory and practice of football, basketball and baseball. Up-to-date texts and current rule books will be used. Continuous throughout the year. Two hours credit per semester. Professor Tuttle. PE2B. COACHING FOR WOMEN-A thorough treatment of rules, theory and practice of b:isketball, indoor baseball and hockey for women. Two hours credit. Fall semester only. Professor Tuttle. PAGE THIRTY-TIIREE