1926-1927 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY in the Reformed Presbyterian Church, but in many other denomina– tions that have been enriched in spiritual leadership by those who have gone out from the church of their nativity, but have can:ied with them the fruits of the scholarship and thorough theological training which distinguished the old Seminary. It is the aim of the present control of the Seminary to maintain all of the best traditions of the past, and yet to afford to the youth preparing for future usefulness in the church just the sort of professional education that will fit them for present and future needs and conditions. BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1926 W. J. Imbrie ........................................................... .....New Galilee, Pa. Benj. Blair ............................ ..................................... .Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel Fleming ........................................................Philadelphia, Pa. 1927 Alex. Colville --------------- ------------------- Philadelphia, Pa. Alex. McCallister ------------------------------ Philadelphia, Pa. Robert Getty ---------------------------------- Philadelphia, Pa, 1928 W. G. Savage ..........................................................Philadelphia, Pa. John Stewart ..............................................................Philadelphia, Pa. James Brigham ..........................................................Philadelphia, Pa. Board of Superintendents Rev. Thos. Whyte, M. A., B. D., Pres. ____________Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. L. A. Benson, D. D., Secy. ---------------- Clay Center, Kan. Rev. D. H. Hammond -------------------------------- Beaver, Pa.. FACULTY REV. WILBERT R . McCHESNEY, A. M ., PH. D., D. D., Dean Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament Language. REV. FRANK ALBERT JURKAT, A . M., LL. D., Secretary of the Faculty Professor of Church History and Hebrew and Old and New Testament Literature. REV. B. E. ROBISON, B. D., Professor of Pastoral Theology, Archaeology, and Sociology. REV. W. P. HARRIMAN, A. B., Professor of Homiletics and Biblical Theology. GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION The Seminary is located in Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway, forty– seven miles southwest of Columbus, and seventy-three miles north– east of Cincinnati. It is eight miles northeast of Xenia and twelve miles south of Sprin£field. ' PAGE 'l'HIRTY-SIX