1927-1928 Academic Catalog

SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE LECTURES AND CONCERTS The Cedarville Lyceum 4f.,sociation -each.ye ~r presents a lectu_re and concert course which is - open to students for a nominal fee. Chapel lect ures are also given from time to time by members of the fac ulty and other s. ATHLETICS AND GYMNASTICS Gymnastic exer cises are r equired of all students in the col– leg iate and normal depar tments, unless excused for physical disa– bility, labor necessary for self-support or voluntary participation in athletic contests. Athletic exercises are under the direct control of an Athletic Council composed of the President of the College. Ath– let ic Director, two Trustees of the College, two Alumni, one member of the Senior class and one member of the Junior class. Direct super– vision of athletics is vested in an Executive committee composed of t he Athlettic Director, the College Treasurer, another member of the faculty and the student managers of athletic teams, acting in season. LITERARY SOCIETIES The Philadelphia n Society, organized in 1894, and t he Philo– sophic in 1895, were bot h displaced by the Orange and Blue Club, organized in 1917. In the autumn of 192 3, the fo rmer plan of two societies gained in favor and the Philadelphian and Philosophic Societies were revived. Fortnightly meetings, which are well sup– ported, afford many opportunities f or the devel opment of literary, musical and oratorical talent . JOHN ALFORD PRIZES These prizes, established by the Rev. John Alford, D. D., a dis– tinguished minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and a trus– tee of Cedarville College, are now continued in his memory by his daugh ter, Miss Martha Alford, are awarded annually through t he Ce– darville College Crown Club for the a ttainment of high scholarship. .BIBLE READING CONTEST Miss Ma rgaret Belle Rife, of t he Cla ss of 1916, annually offers pr izes of seven, five and three do llars fo r a Bible reading contest. Any student in the College may compete for t hese prizes. ANNUAL COLLEGE PLAY An annual college play is given, usually in November, under the direction of the departmen t of English. This affords a splendid op– por t unit y for the developm nt of the dr amatic ability of t he stu– dents. THE CEDRUS An illustrated college annual, The Cedrus , published by t he students , crystallizes the activities of the year into permanen t liter – ary an d pictorial form. RELIGIOUS ADVANTAGES There are three churches in Cedarville: Methodist Episcopal, United Pr sbyterian, and First Presbyterioo. Ev ry member of the Faculty and nearly every student in attendance this year is a pr_ofes– sed hristian. All students nre exp cted to attend th church designa– ted by their parents, who are requested to send their written wishes PAGE ELEVEN