1927-1928 Academic Catalog
COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT THE ARTS CURRICULUM Requirement. for the Deeree of Bachelor of Arta Upon th~ completion of the following requirements, which comprise the arts curriculum, the degree of Bachelor of Arts ia .conferred: 1. Bible (six semester-hours selected from this department); . 2. Rhetoric (six: semestet-hours); 3. English Literature (three semester-hours); 4. Foreign Language (from twelve to sixteen semester-hours·, .including two years' work in one language or one year's work in each of two languages, selected from the following: French, German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew); 5. Natural Science (eight semester-hours, in any one of the following sciences: Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, or Physics; .each science being pursued throughout an entire collegiate year) ; 6. History (three semester-hours, a required course in•American history); 7. Oratory (four semester-hours); 8. Argumentation and Debating (four semester-hours) ; 9. General Psychology (three semester-hours); 10. Loiric (three semester-hours): 11. Social Science (three Semester-hours, selected from the de·- partments of economics, sociology and political science); 12. Ethics (three semester-hours); 13. Apologetics (three semester-hours); 14. A Major Study (a study selected by the student and includ– ing eighteen semester-hours' work in any one department of study). Work required in any department may be counted as a part of the ·major study in that department, except that work in the first year of a foreign language in college cannot be counted; 15. A Minor Study (including ten semester-hours' work to be -selected by the student from a department closely related to the ,najor study, with the adv-ice and consent of the professor at the head of the department in which the major study is taken.) Work required in any department may be counted as a part of the minor .study in that department; 16. Elective Studies (in addition to those specified above, to an amount sufficient to make a total of one hundred and twenty semester-hours, which is the number required in the a-rts curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Arts; these free electives may ba chosen by the student from any department of instruction. Courses for Freshmen in the Arts Curriculum The following courses are recommended as the most suitable for freshmen. With the advice of members of the Faculty, each student should select five of these courses in accordance with his needs, tastes and previous preparation: .PAGE Sl'XTEEN
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