1927-1928 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGI<; STATE NORMAL COURSE HIGH SCHOOL FIRST YEAR- Semester Hours Introduction to Teaching (elective) ---------------- 3 SECOND YEAR- History of Education (elective) ------------------ - - 3 THIRD YEAR- Educational Psychology --------------------------- 3 Methods in Major and Ivtinor subjects --------------- 4 Observation and Participation ---------------------- 3 FOURTH YEAR-- Student Teaching --------------------------- - ---- S Classroom Management --------------------------- 2 Principles of Education ---------------------------- 3 Educational Tests --------------------------------- 2 The high school course for teachers as outlined aibove must be followed strictly as to years in which the subjects are listed. In ad– dition to the above subjects, the student is required to tak~ the sub– jests listed under the Arts-Education Curriculum as indicated on pages 17 - 19, except the subjects which are repeated in both courses. Physica,1 Education is required in all courses for teachers. RATES OF TUITION The fee for instruction in the normal department is fifty dollars per semester, payable on the opening day. This includes a tuition fee of thirty-five dollars, a contingent f ee of ten dolla.rn , and an ath– letic fee of five dollars. The athletic fee secures the right to a ticket of admission to all athletic contests conducted by the colle~e. For other expenses see page 23. PAGE TWENTY-SEVE!II