1927-1928 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES NS. THE SCIENCE OF BUSINESS-Value, rent, interest, banking, foreign trade, pr<;>fits. Text: Alexander Hamilton Institute, Modern Business, Text No. 2. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Frerequisite; Nl. Not iiiven every year. EDUCATION PROFESSORS SMITH AND HOWLAND Tl. HISTORY OF EDUCATION-This course begins with a brief survey of one oi: two repr~sentative Oriental countries . More time is devoted to Greek education. The mfluence of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and the educational writings of the latter two receive some attention. The Roman and Medieval periods are pass ed over more rapidly i;o a s to give more time for the study of modern movements and writers. Some of the writings of the great educational reformers constitute a part of the a ssigned reading. Text: Graves : Student's History of Education. R equired for the State Hig h School Certificate. Open only to Juniors and Seniors. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Smith. T2. SCIENCE OF EDUCATION-The psychologlcal and s ociological princi– ples that underlie educational s cience, and a critical examination of various educational theories. Text: Bagley. Elective. Prerequisite: General Psychology. Not open to Freshmen. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Smith. T3. PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING-Introduction tp high school problems and suggestion s for their solution. The high school pupil, teacher, discipline, class methods. lesson plans, supervised s tudy. Text: Colvin: An introduction to High School Teaching. Prerequis ite: General P sychology. Required for the State High School Certificate. Open only to Juniors and Seniors. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Smith. T4. SPECIAL METHODS-Methods of teaching high school Englis h, history, languages , science and mathematics. Each emphas ized according to the needs of those in the class. Prerequisite: Principles of Teaching. Required for the State Hig h School Certificate. Open only to Juniors and Seniors. Two hours a week, one semester. Professor s of departments indicated. T5. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT-The or ganization and a dminh,tration of Bchools a s infl uenced by the United States Bureau of Education, state syBtems (Ohio in particular), county and district sys tem s. The Ohio school laws are read and discu ssed. Text: Cubberly: Pub);c School Ad– mini stration . Req uired for the Sta te High School Certificate. Open only to Juniors and Seniors. Two hours a ·>1eek, one semester. Professor Smith. TG. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-The mind in its relation to methods o! training an d a cquisition of knowledge. Text: Pyle. Required for the State High School Certificate. Elective for others. Prerequisite: General Psychology. Two hours a week, one semester. Professor Howland. T7. OBSERVATlON AND PRACTICE TEACHING-The teaching of second• ary studies is observed by the student, under the direction of the critic teacher, in the neighboring high schools. Preliminary instruction and plans, careful notes, wri tten r epor ts and oral critiques are reqliired of every student . A full discu s– sion of the things seen helps to clarify the principles of teaching involved. The practice teaching is done in the n eighboring H igh Schools. The practice tea ching is preceded by super vised lesson plans, done under the direct super– vis ion of the critic teacher, and f ollowed by a conference of all engaged in practice teaching ·with the critic teacher. Required of juniors and seniors, who are candi– datea for the State High School Certificate. T h e work in this cour~e is u s ual!)· spread over three or four semesters. Three semester-hours of credit. Professor Smith. ENGLISH PROFESSORS DOLBY AND SMITH El. RHETORIC-Expression of s imple, fluent, and forcible Engli~h is taught. T xt.: Gros : College Composition; and Century Handy Book. Required. Thr hours a week throughout the year. Professor Dolby. E2. ENGLISH POETRY-A study of verse structure and an analysis o! 1<elected poemR; a ls o a critical study of the early nineteenth century poets– Wordsworth, Scott, Byron, Shelley, KeatR. Elective. Three hours a week, one semuit.er . Not. given very y ar. Professor Dolby. E.3. SHAKESPEARE- A careful study and analy sis is ma?e of som~ of Shakespeare's tragedies and comedieR. Other~ are read rapidly. Written ritiques are required. Elective. Three hours a week, one semest r. Not given very year. Prof ssor Smith. E4. MODERN DRAMA-A stud}' of the great cont mporary dramas of England, Jr land, Germany, FrancP, Delgium, Norway, Rus aia, and America. J:,;Jecti e . Thre hours a we k, one semeater. Not given every Y ar. Prof ssor Dolby, PAGE TWENTY-NINE
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