1927-1928 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES El>. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE-The aire of Pope and the air• of Johnson. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not irlven every year. E6. THE SHORT STORY-The history and technique of the short story. critical analysis of a representative collection of short stories, supplemented by plots and stories reqnired from the students. Pattee : Development of American 'elective. Three houra a week, one semester. Not given every year. Professor Dolby. E7. AMERICAN POETRY- A survey of the most characteristic works or Bryant, Poe, Emerson, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, Whitman, Lanier· and Riley. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. EB. BROWNING AND TENNYSON-A critical study of a few selection• from each poet and the rapid reading or others. Elective. Three hours a week. one semester. Not given every year. Professor Dolby. E9. GENERAL SURVEY OF ENGLISH LIT.ERATUR.E-Representative works of the great Englis h writers from the earliest his tory of the English people to the present. Text: Cunliffe, Pyre and Young: Century Readings in Englis h LJterature. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Smith. El 0. JOURNALISM-A practical study of journalism, including the make-np of newspapers and writing of news articles. Two hours, one semester. Elective. Sot given every year. Professor Dolby. T4. SPECIAL METHODS IN ENGLISH--Special methods in teaching English. Two hours, one semester. Professor Smith. FRENCH PROFESSORS LIEViING AND DOLBY Fl. FRENCH I-Grammar, composition, and drill in syntax, with colloquial practice and some easy reading. Text: Premiere Annee Modeme by Cardon wit~ reading and conversation. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Professor Lieving. F2. READING AND COM'POSITION-Reading of texts from some of the best French novelists, short story writers and poets. Colloquial practice and re– view of grammar. Texts: Carnahan's Review Grammar with the reading of a number of novels from the best French writers. Elective. Four hours a week tbroughout the year. Professor Dolby. F3. ADVANCED FRENCH- This course is intended to develop free oral anrl written expression in French and to prepare the student for the higher French literary courses. Texts: Roz: Litterature Francaise; Comfort: Practical French Composition; Fraser and Squair Grammar; French Poetry and the reading of s number of nov els and plays. This course is given in French. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Professor Lieving. T4. FRENCH METHODS-The work of this course is designed to give the student first-hand acquaintance with the methods and principles involved in teaching French in secondary schools. A limited number of hours will be de– voted to actual practice in teaching. Text: Handschin: Methods of TeachinJr Modem Languages; Passy: Les Sons du Francais, along with Grammar Review and reference work. Required for Major or Minor in French. · Two hours a week, one semester. Professor Lieving. Gyl. reQmred. GEOLOGY PROFESSOR JURKAT GENERAL GEOLOGY- Dynamic and historical geology. Field work Texts: Norton, Cleland. Elective. Three hours a week. Two semesters. GERMAN PROFESSOR JURKAT GI. GERMAN I-Constant drill in inflection and syntax, and both oral and tvritten work required. 'l'exts: Collar, and Readers. Elective. Four hours a .veek throughout the year. G2. READING AND COMPOSITION-The work consists of easy stories and dnll in composition and syntax. Text: Lange. Elective. Four hours a wee:i:, one semester. G3. WILHELM TELL-The course offers drill in pottry and study of the German drama. Elective. Fo•1r hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. G4. HEINE-Harzreis e and poems are read, with study of politics and ~ociety. Text: Gregor. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not civen every year. GI>. NINETEENTH CENTURY GERMAN--Selections, protoe, and poetry, from nineteenth century writers are studied. Elective. Three hours "' week throu1rhout the year. Not given every year. GREEK PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND JURKAT Kl. BEGINNING GREEK-Paradigms, rules, and exercises in translation . Text: White. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Profess-or McChesney. PAGE THIRTY
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