1927-1928 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES IC2. ~ABASIS-Translation, syntax, composition, with historical refer– ences. Elective. Texts: Goodwin and White. Four hours a week, first s emester. KS. HOMER-B~oks I to VI of the Iliad, scanning, mythology. syn tax . Text: Seymour. Elective. Four hours a week, second semester. ~4.. GREEK NEW .TEST.AMENT-~ew Testament Greek, emphas izing ~cuharitiea of form, and exegesis, with rapid reading of various portions Text: Westcott and Hort. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the y ea~. Pro– fessor McChesney. K6. HERODOTUS-Selections are read. Biography, history, peculiartfes, and syntax. Text: Johnson. Elective. Three hours a week, one semes ter. Not 1riven every year. K6. MEMORABILIA-The course is introductory to the stud y of Plato. Grammatical drill and history will be the leading features. Text: Winans. Elec• tive. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. K7. PLATO-The Apology and Crito cons titute the study of Socrates Grecian philosophy is reviewed. Text: Dyer. Elective. Three hc. ..tr s a week: one semester. Not given every year. KS. DEMOSTHENES- The Oration on the Crown is studied. Oratory, rhetoric, and argumentation are leading themes. Elective. Three hours a week througho ut the year. Not iriven every year. HEBREW PROFESSOR JURKAT WI. HEBREW-A thorough drill is given in etymology, s ynta:ot. and paradigms. Text: Davidson. Elective. Four hou r s a week throughout t he year. W2 . ADVANCED HEBREW. HISTORY PROFESSORS JURKAT AND SMITH HI. AMERICAN: NATIONAL PERIOD-With rf>."erence to contemporary European history. Text: Fis h, Haworth, .Riverside and Outline. Required of all candidates for the A. B. and B. S. degr ees. Prerequisite, 1,'3 unit High School American History. Three hours a week, first semester. Professor Jurkat. H2. AMERICAN: COLONIAL PERIOD-With r eference to contemporary European history. Texts: Fis her, Sloane, Greene, and Outline. Elective. Thre– bours a week. atecond semester. Professor Jurkat. H3. ANCIENT, TO 800 A. D.-Elective. Three hours a week, one semester . Not Piven every year. Professor Smith. H4. MEDIEVAL, AND MODERN TO 17119- Elective. Three hours a week, one semester . Not gi ven every y ear . Professor Jurkat. H6. MODERN, 1789 ONWARDS - Texts: Turner, Robins on and Beard. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester . Not given every year. Professor Smith. H6. METHODS OF TEACHING HISTORY- Era to be determined when clas11 is organized. Elective. Three hou r s a week, one s emes t er . Not g iven eTery year. P . ofessor Smith. H7. HISTORY AND APPRECIATION OF ARCHITECTURE-A study of the chiet monuments of architecture viewed as interpreting the history and geniuR of the people that produced them, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, ancl ~othlc. Als o a brief study of the modern trend of architecture. One hour credit . .Professor Smith. H S. HISTORY AND APPRECIATION OF PAINTING-A survey study of t he art of all nations with a detailed study of twelve masters and their master– piece11. One h our credit. Text: Van Dyke History of Painting. Professor Smi~h. H9. HISTORY OF LATIN AM\ERICA A survey of the political ana 11oc1al history of the Hispanic American States followed by a more. careful study of. the economic possibilities. in order to arouse a greater interest m our .nearest ne,~h– hors. Credit two hours. Text: Webster's Hi story of Latin America. Professor Smith. LATIN PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND JURKAT LI. ELEMENTARY LATIN- Grammar and exercises. Four hours a week, one y ar. Professor Jurkat. . !-2. E:::.EMENTARY LATIN AND CAESAR- Continuauon of grammar, and four booka of Caesar. Four hours a week, one year. Professor Jurkat. L3. CICERO'S ORATIONS-Four hours a week, one year. Profess or Jurkat. L4 . VERGIL- Readlngs !ro,n the Aeneid. Four hours a week, one y ar. Not given every year. Professor Jurkat. . 1 fl t d L6 CICERO-De Amicita and De Senectute, with ,a review of n ec e form s ~nd syntax. Text: Chase and Stuart. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Jurkat. A I t di d L6 LIVY-The transition from the Golden to the Silver ge " 8 u e · Selectl~ns from Book XXI are read. Text: Capes and Melhulsh. Elective. Three hours a we k, one a meeter. Not glv n every year. Professor McCheaney. PAGE TIIIRTY-ONE