1927-1928 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES L7. HORACE-Copioua selections from the Odee, Satirea, and Ep!atlea an n1adc the basia for a study of Latin poetry. Text: Chase an.11 Stuart. EJecU••· Three hours n week, one semester. Not given every year. Professor McCbesney. LS. TACITUS-The Li!e of Agricola and the his tory of Germany. Text; Allen. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every Ye&l Professor McChesney. L9. JUVENAL--The origin, development, and purpose of the satire, and th• morals and customs of the Romans under the Empire. Text: Lindsay. Electhe. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Pro{essor McChesney T4. LATIN METHODS-Special training in methods for teaching Latin ir the high schools. One semester, two hours. Professor McCbesney. Ll 0. TEACHER'S TRAINING COURSE in the subjects pursued in high schools, wi '. h special drills in syntax, history, and mythology. Throughout th.. year. Three hours a semester. Professor McChesney. MATHEMATICS PROFESSORS BORST AND FRASER Ml. COLLEGE ALGEBRA-Progressions, permutations, combinations, prob• ability, complex numb ers, theory of equations, determinants, and infinite series, Text: Wentworth. Elective. Prerequisite: 1 ~ units, High School AlgebrL Four hours a week, one semester. Professor Borst. M2. TRIGONOMETRY-Trigonometric functions in their relation to the solution of the triangle both plane and sphericaJ. Text: Wentworth and Smith. Elective. Prerequisite: l lh unit Hig h School Algebra and 1 unit Plane Geometry. Four hours a week, one semester. Professor Borst. !43. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY-Rectilinear and polar co-ordinates, with their applications to the point, line, circle. conic s ections, both in the plane and in space. Text: Wentworth. Elective. Prerequisite: College Algebra and Trigo– nometry. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Pro– fessor Bors t. M4 . CALCULUS-Differential and integral calculus with special applications to phys ics. Text: Granville. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Borst. l-15. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY-Elective, Prerequisites, Ml-M.4 incluain. 3 hours a week. Professor Fraser. T4. METHODS IN TEACHING SECONDARY MATHEMATICS-Treatment of modern practice in teaching Algebra, -Geometry and Arithmetic in the second· ary schools. Two hours a week. Second semester. Professor Borst. MISSIONS PROFESSOR ROBISON II. GENERAL COURSE IN MISSIONS-The problems, possibilities. meana and obligat ion s of evangeJizing the world, and the motives, aims, and method• of the foreign missionary. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. 12. THE NEW FOREIGN FIELD-A study of the effect of Christianity on social condi tions and the modern methods of missionary activity. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. 13. MISSIONARY BIOGRAPHY-The lives of noted mis sionaries of all Christian denominations and fields are studied for their inspiration and practical information. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. MUSIC PROFESSOR TALCOTT VI. ELECTIVE MUSIC-Elective work in music to the amount of eight credits will be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in the case of students enrolled in the collegiate department or in case of graduates of the department of mu s ic who afterwards enroll in the collegiate department. One les~on a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing mu s ic must pay the usual fees for less ons in mu s io in addition to the regular collegiate tuition fees . See the Department of Music for the nature of the work offered. PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR McCHESNEY P2. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY--Greek Philosophy, first and second periods; Philosophy of the Middle Ages, first and second periods; Modern Philo– sophy, first, second, third and fourth periods. Three hours a week, elective. P3. LOGilC-Terms, propositions, syllogisms, fallacies. Text: J evons-Hill. Required. Three hours a w~ek, one semester. . . J:'4. ETHICS-:--Theo;etical and practical ethic~. Virtues , freedom , duty and md1v1dual and social obligations. Texts: Gregory, Drake, and Coffin. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. PHYSICS PROFESSOR FRASER YI. GENERAL PHYSICS-Mechanics, heat, electricity, sound and l{zht. Text: Kimball. Prerequisites: One year of elementary physics, one 'semester of PAGE THIRTY-TWO