1927-1928 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES trigonometry and one semester of college algebra. :Elective. Four houra a week throughout the year. Yla. Same as YI, except that laborator:, work is not required. EleettTe after required work in science is completed. POLITICAL SCIENCE P ROFESSOR BORST A3. INTERNATIONAL LAW-Elective. Three hours a week. First semester. A6. AMERICA AND THE ORIENT-A study of the industrial resources of the Orient :-Asiatic markets; r elations of the United States and the Far East. Text: Foster, American Diplomacy in t h e Orient. Elective. Three hours. Second emester. PUBLIC SPEAKING PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND ROBISON 01. PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING-The fundamentals of effective speaking, principles of breathing, voice-production, enunciation, and aotion: delivery of extracts from the works of writers and speakers. Text: Phillipe. Requir ed. Two hours a week, first semester. Professor McChesney. 02. ORATORY-The distinctive characteristics of oratorical style: the masterpieces of represen tative orators are anal yzed, and the principles thus dis covered applied in the writing and delivery of original orations. Text: Phillips, Required. Two hours a week, second semester . Professor McChesney. 03. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATING-Ariiumentation, analysis, evidence, persuas ion. Brief-drawing. Written arguments . Oral debating. The theory of argumentatinn. Text: Ketcham. Required. Two hours a week throughout t h e year. Professor Robison. 04 . EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING-Instruction, constant practice, and riticism in actual public s peaking. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. Professor Robison. 05. ADVANOED ORATORY-Elective. One hour a week. Professor Mc– Ch esney. A4 . PARLIAMENTARY LAW- Ins truction in fundamental pr inciples and actual practice in conducting public meetings. Text: Cushing. Elect ive. One hour a week, one semester . Not given every year. Professor Robison. PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND ROBISON Q] . GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY-Consciousness, sen sa tion, perception, memory, feelings, imagination, thought, r easoning and the will. Text: Breese; Angell; Warren. Requ-ired. Should be taken before Junior year. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor McChesn ey. Q3. ADOLESCENCE- A scientific study of the development of the adoles– cent mind and life. Various texts and lectures. Two hours a week, one semester. Professor Robison. Q4. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-Elementary experiments in the various phases of conscious phenomena. Texts: Thorndike: Seashore: Starch. Elective. Prerequisite: Ql. Three hours a week , one semester. Professor Mc– Chesney. RELIGION PROFESSOR McCHESNEY RI. APOLOGETICS- The evidences of Christianity and natural theolO&'Y, T xt : Turton. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. SOCIOLOGY PROFESSOR ROBISON SI. GENERAL SOCIOLOGY--Social evolution, and socialogical principles with special reference to modern social problems. Text: Ellwood. Elective. Thr hours a week, one s mester. Not given every year. S2. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY--Collective knowing, feeling, and willing: the v ychology of the crowd. Text: Ross. Elective. Three hours a week, one i.emebt r. Not giv n v ry y ar. S3. AMERICAN PROBLEMS--Social institutions_. A study ol the pro– bl ms of democracy. Text: Morehouse-Graham.. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite, SI, or NL Not given very year. S4. EDUCATIONAL ~OCIOLOGY-Sociological prlncipl " In relation to f'ducational problems. Text: Clow. I ctlv . Three hours a week, one semester. PAGE THIRTY•THREK