1927-1928 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EPUCATION PROFESSOR BORST AND MISS HUGHES PElA. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN-(Required of all men students unles s excused by President and Dean of College) . Professor Borst. PE1B. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN-('Requlred of all women unless excused by the President and the Dean). Miss Hughes :P'E2A. COACHING FOR MEN-A thorough study of rules, theory aod practice of football, basketball and baseball. Up-to-date texts and laboratory methods will be used. One hour credit, one semester. Professor Borst. m2B. COACHING FOR WOMEN-A thorough treatment of rules, theory and practice of basketball, indoor baseball and hockey for women. One h011r credit. Professor Borst. PA.OB THIRTY-FOUR