1928-1929 Academic Catalog

COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Graduates of approved high schools and other institutions, of– fering preparatory work t o the amount of fifteen units, are admit ted to the freshman class. If applicant lacks any of the required uni ts, a,s indicated below, he may be allowed to make up, not to exceed two unit s under t he di– rection of a member of the faculty. This work must be completed be– fore the student enters the Junior year and at the expen se of th student. Candidates for admission to the college must present High School credit as follows:- Foreign language, 2 units ; Engli sh language, 3 units; Algebra, 1 unit; Plane Geometry, 1 unit; Amer ican History, 1 unit; Natural Science, 1 unit; and six units selected from any subjec t given by a High School of the first grade, or by a Preparatory school of equivalent standing. A unit consists of four or five hours' work per week in a g iven subject throughout the year. Among the subjects which will be accepted a s electi ves for entrance to the Freshman Class are: Latin, Greek, German, French, Spanish, or other foreign language; algebra, geometry, trigonometry, commercial arithmetic; general, ancient, mediaeval, modern, English or American history, civics, economics, sociology, commercial law, commercial geography; physical geography, physiography, physiol– ogy, botany, biology, geology, agriculture, chemistry, physics, astronomy, general science; English composition, rhetoric, litera– ture, history of literature, advanced grammar; stenography, type– writing, manual training, home economics; music, drawing, elocu– tion. Other subjects given in first-grade high schools will be consider– ed for entrance. CURRICULA AND DEGREES The following curricula are offered in the collegiate depart– ment. 1. The Arts-Curriculum, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; 2. The Arts-Education Curriculum, leading to the degr ee of Bachelor of Arts and to the state provisional high school certifica te; 3. The Arts-Science Curriculum, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science; 4. The Arts-Agricultural Curriculum, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science from Cedarville College and to t he degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Ohio State University; 5. The Two-year Curriculum for the preparation of tea,chers f or t he Lower Elementary Grades. 6. The Two-year Curriculum for the prepar ation of teacher s for t he Higher Elementary Grades. 7. The Four-year Curriculum for the prepar at ion of teachers fo r t he Lower Elementary Grades . Give the degr ee in Bachelor of Science in Education. 8. The Four-year Curriculum for t he preparation of high school teachers. 9. The Theological Cur riculum for the preparat ion of students f or the Gospel Ministry and missionar y service and Religious Educa– tion. 10. The Curriculum in Music. 11. Special Curricul a preparatory to Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, and Journalism. PAC:E FIFTEEN