1928-1929 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES BIBLE PROFESSOR l\lcCHESNEY, JURKAT, DE.Al , Al'ID INGMIRE I. OLD _TESTAl\fEz:1T-Pa~riarchal and Hebrew History, poetry, and prophecy. Texts: the Bible, Steele s Outhnes and Balley and l{ ent's Evolution of the Hebrew Commonwealth. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor Dean. 2. NEW TE TAl\IENT-The life of Christ, the Acts of the Apostles the ll!e of Paul, the Epistles and Revelation. Text: the Bible, Steele's Outlines ' talker's Life of Christ, Gilbert's L ife of Paul. l<~lective. Three hours a week, one semester. Profes or Dean. 3-4. BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY-1'he testimony o.f the monuments to the truth of the Scriptures. Various texts are used rrom year to year. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. Given every third year. Professor Ingmire. 5-6. BIBLICAL CU TOMS-The light shed upon the Bible by East ern man– ners and customs. Text: Rice's Orieutallsms in B ible Lands. Elective. One hour :i week throughout the year. Given every third year. Professor D~an. 7-8. OLD TEST.Al\IENT LITERATURE- A study of the writings of the Old Testament. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout t!le year. ,. ot given every year. Professor Jurkat. 9-10. NEW TESTAl\IENT LITERATURE- A study of the writings of the New Testament. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Not given every 3 .iar. Professor Jurkat. 11-12. S. S. Lessons and l\Iethods. One hour a week, thoughout the year. Pro– fessor llfcChesney. 14. RELIGIOUS EDUCATIO -A study of Pedagogy, History, urricula, Prin- ciples, Organization, and Administration of Religious Education. One hour, one semes– ter. Profe sor Ingmire. BIOLOGY PROFESSORS FRASER AXD HOSTETLER I. BIOLOGY- Special emphasis on human life; preparatory to the courses In psychoTogy, nature-study, and health. Text: Gruenberg. Three hours credit, first semester. Professor Hosteliler. 3. NATURE STUDY- Consists of simple, truthful observations of things about us: plant life, animal life, the earth, and the sky; with teaching both nature-study and agllculture in the elementary schools. stock. Two hours credit, first semester. Professor Hostetler. the common methods for Te:x!t: Com- 5-6. GENERAL ZOOLOGY--A general survey of animal life from the stand– point of ,morphology, physiology, and development. Texts: Parker, Hegner. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Professor Fraser. 7-8 . Same as 5-6 except that the laboratory work is not reQuired. Elective after required work in Science is completed. Professor Fraser. 9-10. GE ERAL BOTANY-- tudy of morphology, Physiology, taxonomy and economics of plants. Te::1.."ls: Densmore, Cool{. Elective. Four hours a week through– out the year. Given every second year. Professor Fraser. 11-12. ame as 9-10 except that the laboratory work is not required. Elective after required work in science is comp'teted. Professor Fraser. CHEMISTRY PROFE'SOR FRASER 1-2. GE, ' ERAL CHEl\II 'l'RY- A study of the various elements and their com– vounds as to their occurrence, preparation . properties, and use. Text: McPherson and Henderson. Elective. l•'our hours a \1 eek throughout the year. 3-1. Same as 1-2. except that laboratory work is not required. Elective after r quired work In Science is comt)leted. 5-6. QVA.1. "fl'J.'ATIYE ANALYS IS-The J>rlndples _of gravimetric and. volu– metric an.a J;·sis, with )lrac1 ical a)lplication to typ1eal m1~er:i,ls and metals, mclud– lng the solution of J>racti ca l laboratory )lroblems. Text. Smith. Electi~e: Three hours a week throughout the year. Given every second ;ear. Prerequ1s1te 9-10. 011en to Juniors onll, 7-8. ORGA, ' IC 'HEl\fl S'J'HY-- tucly of carlJon and its e~mpounds,, in?lu~lng bath aliphatlc and aromatic series. Gene1 al qualitative analysis of or~anlc. coon– vounds Is taken u 1, in the Meeoml semester. Text: Norris. Five hours a week th1 ough– out the year. Given every second year. Open to en!ors and special students. 9 10. Ql:ALl'l'A'1'1\' g A.· ALYS!8 A1wlys ls of metals, al'ids and bases;~knowns and uuknoi,us. Ou c lalJoratory )Jeriod tliruui.:l1011t the )ear. J'rerel1u1s1te to a-6. I'.\t,E TlllHTY· I E
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