1928-1929 Academic Catalog
DES RIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES DRAWING PROFJ<; SOR FRA ER AND L T 1-2. DRAWIN ketchlng, and art problems !or primary grades. One hour credit, throughout the year. Professor Lust. S-4. DR WING ketchlng, water color work, and art appreciation for upper grades. One hour credit, throughout the year. Professor Lust. 5. Ii'ID TRIAL . A.RT- Art and handwork problems for upper grades. Two hours credit, first semester. Profes or Lust. 7-8. MECHANICAL DRAWING-iUechanlcal drawing and descriptive geometry. Instruction Is largely Individual. Texts: French's Engineering Drawing and Graves' and Reinhard' Lettering. Elective. Two hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Fraser. 9-10. I O fETRIC-A Ei\fBLY-DETAIL-Archltectural blue prints and maps. Professor Fraser. ECONOMICS PROFES OR JULIEN Al..._D BRISTOW 1-2. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS-Production, exchange, dlstrlbutlon, and con– sumption, labor, capital, association, money, credit, commerce, collectivism, co-opera– tion, wages, interest, and profits. Text: Carver. Elective. Three hours a week through– out the year. Not given every year. Professor Julien. 3-4. THE SCIE CE OF BU INE -Value, rent, interest, banking, foreign trade, profits. Text: Alexander Hamilton Institute, Modern Business, Text No. 2. Elective. 'l'hree hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite 1. Not given every year. Professor Bristow. EDUCATION PROFE SORS HO TETLER, CH Pl\IA ', BRI TOW, JULIEN, ND LUST 1. KINDERGARTEN- Primary Theory-A study of the pre-school child with reference to kindergarten and primary work. Text: Parker and Temple. Two houI'S a week, first semester. Professor Lust. 3-4. JUVE ILE LITERATURE AND TEACHING OF READING-Methods in teaQh– Lng reading in the upper elementary grades, with particular attention to content. Texts: Curry and Clippinger, Children's Literature, and Stone Oral and Silent Reading. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Professor Lust. 5-6. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE AND TEACHING PRIMARY READING-A study content and methods of teaching reading in the primary grades. Terts: Curry and Clippinger, Children's Lit erature, and Pennell and Cusack, How to 'l'each Reading. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Professor Lust. 8. CLAS IANAGEl\IE T- Required for State Elementary Certificate. A dis- cussion of the management factors which must be met by the classroom teachers. · Two hours, second semester. Professor Chapman. 10. EDUCATIONAL P YCHOLOGY-This course is designed for students pre– paring for elementary teaching. Attention is given to the men.tat development of children, human behavior, and the laws of learning. Text: Gates. Three hours credit, second semester. Professor Bristow. 12. OBSERVATION ND PARTICIPATION - Required for State Elementary Cer– tificate. Required of all Freshmen in the two-year elementary course, as a prere– quisite !or tudent Tea ching. Six hours of classroom work. Three hours, second semester. Professor Chapman. 14. PRINCIPLE OF ED CA.TIOX-This course attempts to establish the prin– ciples underlying education as revealed by natural science and teleology, with due regard to the indi,idual, ociaT, and educational proce ses in curriculum construction and methodology. Yarious texts are u ed. Three hours, second semester. Professor Julien. 15. 11\TRODUCTIOX TO TEACHL'iG- A gu idance course designed to assist the student in the choice of a teaching fi eld, study various phases of education, different types of schools, a general uney of educational field. Text: Bagley and Keith. Two hours a week. First semester . Profes or Brisow. 17. HI TORY OF ED CATIOX IT\ THE u-XITED TATE - A study of the evolu– tion of American educational ideals and practices, with special reference to the origin and development of those feature of our present-day practices which are most characteristically American. Lectures, following a text, assigned readings and investi– gation of an assigned topic. Text: Cubberley-History of Education in the United States. Three hours a week. First semester. Professor Bristow. 19. CLAS MANAGEl\fENT-Required for State High chool Certificate. This course takes up a discussion of the management factors which must be met by the classroom teacher. First semester, two hours credit. Professor Chapman. 20. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-A study of psychology principles applicable to secondary education. The receiving, connecting, and reacting mechani ms, percep- PAGE FORTY
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