1928-1929 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES POLITICAL SCIENCE PROFESSOR JULIEN 1-2. INTERNATIONAL LAW-Elective. Three hours a week. First semester. 3-4. A.MERICA AND THE ORIENT-A study of the Industrial resources of the Orient :-Asiastlc markets; reTatlons of the United States and the Far East. Text: Foster, American Diplomacy 1n the Orient. Elective. Three hours. Second semester. PUBLIC SPEAKING PROFESSOR JULIEN 1. PRINCfPLES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING-The fundamentals of effective speaking, principles of hreathng, voice-production, enunciation, and action ; delivery of extracts from the works of writers and speakers. Text: Ph!llips. Required. Two hours a week, flrst semester. 2. ORATORY-The distinctive characteristics of oratorical style; the masterpieces of representative orators are analyzed, and the principles thus discovered applied In the writing and delivery of original orations. Text: Phillips. Required. Two hours a week, second semester. 3-4. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATING-A.rgumentatlon, analysis, evidence, persuasion. Brief-drawing. Written arguments. Oral debating. The theory of argu– mentation. Text: Ketcham. Required. Two hours a week throughout the year. 5-6. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING-Instruction, constant practice, and criticism 1n actual public speaking. ETectlve. One hour a week throughout the year. 7-8. ADVANCED ORATORY-Elective. One hour a week. 10. PARLIAMENTARY LAW-Instructlon In fundamental principles and actual practice In conducting pubHc meetings. Text: Cushing. Elective. One hour a week, one semester. Not given every year. PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR l\lcCHESNEY 1. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY- Consciousness, sensation, perception, memory, feel– •ngs, Imagination, thought, reasoning and the will. Text : Breese; Angell; Warren. Required. Should be taken before Junior year. Three hours a week, one semester. 2. ADOLESCENCE-A sclentlflc study of the development of the adolescent mind and life. Various texts and lectures. Two hours a week, one semester. 4. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-Elementary experiments in the various phases of conscious phenomena. Texts; Thorndike: Seashore: Starch. Elective. Prerequisite : 1. Three hours a week, one semester. RELIGION PROFESSOR McCHESNEY 1. APOLOGETICS- The evidences of Christianity and natural theology. Text: Turton. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. SOCIOLOGY PROFESSORS JULIEN AND LUST I. GENERAL SOCIOLOGY- Social evolution, and sociological principles with special reference to modern social problems. Text: Ellwood. Elective. Three hours a. week, one semester. Not given every year. Professor Julien. 2 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY- Collective knowing, feeling, and willing; the psycho– logy ~f the crowd. Text: Ross. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Professor Julien. 4 .A.MERI AN PROBLEMS- Social Institutions. A study of the problems of democracy. Text : Morehouse-Graham. Elective. Three hours a wee:,. fne se~~n:!· Prerequisite, Economics 1, or Sociology 1. Not given every year. 1 0 essor i 6. l:DUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY- Sociological principles In relation to education~ problems. Text: low. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Professor L~~~ 7. COMMER JAL LAW- Dealing with th e principles of law as applied to business world. Three hours, one semester. SPANISH PROFESSOR BORST a nd pronunciation. Reading, 1-2. BEGINNING SPANISH- A study of grammar tests, and quizzes! Three hours, two semesters. 3-4. INTERMEDIATE SPANISH- A continuation of 1-2. Three hours, two semes- ters. Not goven every year. PAGE FORTY-FIVE
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