1928-1929 Academic Catalog

BOARD OF TRUSTEES CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Class of 1928 Rev. Homer McMillan, D. D., '97 ----------------------------– ------------------------------ - 101 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Rev. David McKinney, D. D., LL. D. ----------------------- ------------------ __________ 218 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Rev. W. P. Harrima,n, D. D. _______________________Cedarville, Ohio *Frank P. Ha,stings _________________East Market St., Xenia, Ohio S. C. Wright, A. B., '03, Secretary ________________ Cedarville, Ohio *Died April 1, 1928. Class of 1929 Rev. W. R. McChesney, Ph. D., D. D. , President of College ___ _ ----------- ___________________________________ Cedarville, Ohio Rev. J. Alvin Orr, D. D., '97, President of Board -------------- __________________No. 2 Watson Entrance, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rev. Wm. R. Graham, D. D., '05 _____ 910 Union St., LaFayette, Ind. Walter C. Iliffe __________________________________Cedarville, Ohio George H. Har tman _------ ________________________Cedarville, Ohio Clas of 1930 Wm. Conley _____________________________________ Cedarville, Ohio Wm. R. Collin s, A. B., '18 _______ 1968 Coventry Rd., Columbus, Ohio Prof. F. A. Jurkat, LL. D., Treasurer of College -------------- - ____________________________________________ Cedarville, Ohio Rev. Homer B. Henderson, D. D., '02 _______________Grove City, Pa. M. I. Marsh, M. D., Vice President of Board _________Cedarville, Ohio STANDING COMMITTEES Executive: McChesney, Hartman, Marsh, Collins, Harriman. Finance: McKinney, Conley , Hartman, Orr, Marsh. Instruction: McMillan, McChesney, Henderson, Graham, Collins, Hastings. Auditing: Iliffe, Hastings, Hartman. Investment: Wright, Jurkat, McKinney, Conley, Marsh. Property: Conley, Iliffe, Jurkat, Wrigh t. LOC L ADVISORY BOARD James H. Creswell ____________________ R. R. No. 3, Cedarville, Ohio N. L. Ramsey ------------------------------------Cedarville, Ohio A. E. Richards ____________ _____________ _____ ___Cedarville, Ohio Rev. R. A. Jamieson _____________________________Cedarville, Ohio WOMEN' ADVI ORY BOARD Mrs. John W. Johnson; Mrs. W. H. Barber; Mrs. W. R. Mc- hesney, President; Mrs. S. T. Baker, Sec'y.-Treas.; Mrs. E. C. Ogles– bee; Mrs. G. H. Creswell; Mrs. S. C. Wright; Mrs. Geo. Hartman; Mrs. Clayton McMillan; Mrs. • red Townsley; Mrs. Walter Iliffe; Mrs. Ja,y Auld; Mrs. W. P. Harriman; Mrs. R. M. Borst. PAGE THREE