1929-1930 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC ~so, those passing the necessary examination will be admitted to the G1rl~' Glee Club, 8:nd Boys' Glee Club. These choruses will appear in public concert durrng the year. . Note-:--Studen.ts' recitals ~ll be held bi-monthly. Public recitals wil~ be given at. mtE:rvals durm~ the_ y~ar. The benefit that pupils denve from playmg ID these recitals 1s inestimable. Stringed Instruments Students desiring to concentrate on Violin Violincello or Viola must satisfy the examiners of a certain profici~ncy with the instru- ment of their choice. . The equivalent of a four-year course in Violin should prepare the student to perform a Bach Sona.ta; Concerto by Mendelssohn or Bruch; Concerto by Vieuxtemps or Wieniawsky and a work selected by the instructor. The equivalent to the four-year course in Violincello would make possible the student's performance of a Bach Sonata Concerto by Davidoff or Saint-Saens, Concerto by Haydn or Schu~8tl111 and a work selected by the instructor. ' Summary-Violin, Viola, Violincello; Preparatory Piano; Theory and Composition; History and Literature of Music; Orchestra and Ensemble; Academic Subjects. Classifications and Examinations As the students of this department may be of any scholastic standard it is only necessary that satisfactory credentials be shown by those who desire enrollment to elect work in any of the branches taught. While ·the courses are of professiona,l character in that they aim to give the student a sufficient rounded training to qualify for pursuit of musical activity as a career, they should also make strong appeal to the musically interested ama,teur as of great cultural value. The courses of study have been outlined in such a way that re– gardless of the number of years the pupil has studied the degree of proficiency alone shall be the basis for recognition by the college in the granting of a diploma, showing that a prescribed course has been satisfactorily completed by the student. With all musical courses there shall be a systematic course in elementary theory and ear drill and a like course in Harmony as fair as the dominant seventh chord completed. The department of music is located in the College Library, which is but a short distance from the campus. Registration Fee Instruction in Piano, by professors, per semester in advance, $21.00. Instruction in Piano, by instructors, per semester in advance, $18.00. Instruction in Voice, per semester in advance, $21.00. Instruction in Stringed Instruments, per semester in advance, $21.00. Harmony-two lessons per week (in class), $6.00. History of Music- two lessons per week (in class), $6.00. Theory of Music- two lessons per week (in class), $6.00. PAGE THIRTY-NINE