1929-1930 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES DRAWING PROFESSORS KUEHRMANN AND LUST 1-2. DRAWING-Sketching, and art problems for primary grades. One hour credit, throughout the year. Professor Lust. 3-4. DRAWING--S~etchlng, water color work, and art appreciation for upper ~ades. One hour credit, throughout the year. Professor Lust. 5. INDUSTRIAL ART- Art and handwork problems for upper grades. Two hours credit, first semester. Professor Lust. 7-8.. MECHANICA~ !)RAWING- Mechanica l drawing and descriptive geometry. Instru~t1on ls largely mdivldual. Elective. Two hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Kuehrmann. 9-10. ISOMETRIC-ASSEMBLY- DETAIL-Architectura l blue prints and maps. Professor Kuehrmann . ECONOMICS PROFESSOR STEELE 1-!. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS- Production, exchange, distribution, and con– sumption, labor, capital, associa tion, money, credit, commerce, collectivism, co-opera– tion, wages, interest, and profits. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. 3-4. THE SCIENCE OF BUSINESS- Value, rent, interest, banking, foreign trade, profits. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite 1. Not given every year. EDUCATION PROFESSORS HOSTETLER, BRISTOW, PARRY, AND LUST 1. KINDERGARTEN- Primary Theory- A study of the pre-school chlld with reference to kindergarten and primary work. Two hours a week, first semester. Professor Lust. 3-4. JUVENILE LITERATURE AND TEACHING OF READING- Methods ln tearih– lng reading ln the upper elementary grades, with particular attention to content. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Professor Lust. 5-6. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE AND TEACHING PRIMARY READINO- A study of content and methods of teaching reading ln the primary grades. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Professor Lust. 8. CLASS MANAGEMENT- Required for State Elementary Certificate. A dis– cussion of the management factors which must be met by the classroom teachers. Two hours, second semester. Professor Bristow. 10. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY- Th is cou rse ls paring for elementary teaching. Attention ls given to children, human behavior, and the laws of lea rning. semester. Prof€68or Parry. designed for students pre– the men.tat development of Three hours credit, second 12. OBSERVATION AND PARTICIPATION--Rcqulred for State Elementary Cer– tificate. Required of alt Freshmen In the two -year elementary course, as a prere– quisite for Student Teaching. Six hours of classroom work. Three hours, second semester. Professor Bristow. 14. PRlNCIPLES OF ELEMENTARY EUUCATION- TWs course attempts to estab– lish the principles underlying education as revealed by natural scl~nce and teleology, with due regard to the individual, social, and ed ucation al processes m curriculum con· structlon and methodology. Various texts are used. Three hours, second semester. Professor Hostetler. 15. INTRODUCTIO TO TEACHING- A guidance cou rse designed to assist the student In the choice of a teaching fi eld, study various phases of education, different types of schools, a genera.I su rvey of education field. Two hours a week. First semester. Professor Parry. 17. HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES- A study of the evolu– tion of American educational ideals and practices, with special reference to the origin and development of those features of our present-da? practices_which are most characteristically American. Lectures, following a text, assigned readmgs and investi– gation of an as.~igned topic. 'l'hree hours a week. First semester. Professor Parry. 19. CLASS MANAGEMENT- Required for State High ~chool Certificate. This course takes up a discussion of the management factors which must be met by the classroom teacher. First semester, two hours credit. Professor Bristow. 20 . ED CATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY- A study of psychology principles applicable to secondary educa.tlon. The receiving, connecting, and reacting mechanlslll.':I, percep- PAGE FOH'l'Y-0 E
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