1929-1930 Academic Catalog

LIST OF GR DU TE l,lllo J<'crn Ustick, A. B. Died September 1, 1921. ('larenco Andrew Young, A . B.; D. D.. 1911; A. M., Unlver~ity of Pennijylv inl , 1008; Ph. n .. lbid., UH2; Gcitdunte , ·ew York School or PhllrnthrOJlY, 1'102; R P. Seminary, 1005. Died October 14, 1923. 13. 1901 John Frederick Anderson, Ph. B. ; LL. B .. Ohio State University, l!lO'l ; 40 l Bu~hnell Bullding, Springfield, Ohio. Lawyer. Olive Davis Coe, Ph. B. ; Cedarville, Ohio. R. 2. Teacher lll the CT1rton , Ohio, Public Schools. J ean Blanl'he Ervin (lllrs. Oscnr , mith ) , Ph. B., Cleveland, Oh io. Elkana E. Finn ey, A. B .; B. S. in Agr., Ohio State University, 1905 Died April 22, 1927. Robert Clyde Galbreath, A. B.; D. D., 1920 ; McCormick Seminary, 1904; 62!> Wendell, Endicott, N. Y. P astor W. Endicott Presbyterian Church. John Cecil George, A . B .; Mus ic, 1902 ; A. M., 1903; M. D.. Miami Medical College, 1906; 608 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, N . C.; Consulti ng Physician, Government Hospital, Oteen , N . C. George Andrew Ave., Tucson, Ariz. Robert Bigham June 26, 1918. 8. Harper, A. B .; A. B., University of Chicago, 1908; 830 N. Third Teacher Tucson High School. Wilson, A. B. ; D. D., 1918 ; McCormick Seminary, 1904. Died 1902 Mary Belle Ervin, A . B., 252 N . King St., Xen ia, Ohio. World and National General Secretary Loyal Temperance L egion ; W. C. T . U. Lecturer. Ethel Fields (Mrs. W. W. Creswell), Music; Cedarville. Ohio. Homer Burton Henderson, A. B ., D. D. , 1924; Xen ia Seminary, 1905; D. D., Monmouth College, 1924; Grove City, P a. Pastor lJnited Presbyteri an Church . 3. 1903 Vera Andrew (Mrs. John Spead Ha rvey), A. B. ; Mus ic, 1909 ; A. B., Western Reserve University, 1905 ; A. M., Columbia University, 19r5 ; 1325 Sixth Ave., Hunt– ington, W. Va. Alice MarguerHe Bromagem (Mrs. Frank A. Jurkat), Ph. B .; Cedarvllle, Ohio. John M. Finney, A. B.; M. D., Ohio Miami Medical College, Unlversity or Cincinnati, 1910 ; 1200 Grand Blvd., Spokane, Wash. Alfaretta Hammond, A. B.; A. M., 1912 ; Warren, P a. Lulu May Henderson, A. B.; B. Ped., Ohio State Normal College of Ohio Uni- versity, 1906 ; Cedarville, Ohio, Route 1. Norma Almeda P auillin , Music ; 242 L exington Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Dora Siegler (Mrs. Karth Bull), Music; Cedarvllle, Ohio. Lucy Smith, Music ; Ja,mestown, Ohio. .Agnes King Stormont, Ph. B. Died April 21, 1921. John Jacob Wilson, A. B. ; D. D., 1918 ; McCormick Semin .a.ry, 1906 ; 50 Church St., Oshkosh, Wis. Pastor First Presbyterian Church. Stephen Calvin Wright, A. B., Cedarville, Ohio. Probate and Juvenile Judge or Greene County. 11. 1904 James Frederick Barber, A. B ., LL. B ., Columbia University, 1909 ; 241 W. 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Lawyer . Frank Stevenson Bird, A. B.; Cedarville, Ohio. Merchant. Frank Barber Bull, A. B. ; 235 W. 11st. Street, New York, N. Y. Advertising Agency. Lillian' Lucretia Conner, Music; 354 Fourth Street, Dayton, Ohio. Teacher of Music in Public Schools. Joseph Raymond Fitzpatrick, A. B ., A. M., 1907. Died September 30, 1920. Rachel Marie Garlough, A. B.; (Mrs. Lile G. Goo<le) ; Capital City Co=erclat College, Des Moines, Iowa, 1909; 338 Dayton Ave., Yellow Springs, Ohio. Assist. · Secy. of Committee on Adm issions, Antioch College. PAGE FIFTY