1930-1931 Academic Catalog
HISTORY OF COLLEGE proving too hampered for the work, the new building was erected and entered the following year. The cornerstone of this building was laid with impressive services on June 25, 1895, and the dedica– tion took place during the meeting of Synod in 1896. Nearly four hundred young men and women have graduated from the College and are successfully following honorable callings in various parts of the world. Cedarville College has a wide and favorable reputation for thorough work. It has been honored by such distinguished men as W. J. Alford, Esq., Andrew Carnegie and Ambassador Whitelaw Reid among its benefactors. Cedarville College has a productive endowment of $236,833.40. In 1913 the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Phila– delphia was removed to Cedarville and affiliated with the college. This institution has an endowment fund of $36,445 and a students' aid fund of $38,953.48. The College and Seminary combined have endowments totaling $312,231.88. At the meeting of the General Synod at Coulterville, Illinois, in May 1928, the General Synod gave up entirely all ownership, control, and vested interests of Cedarville College to the Board of Trustees and their successors forever. The Board of Trustees unanimously agreed at their mid-year meeting, February 8, 1929, to maintain the orthodox Christian belief and teachings for which Cedarville College has always stood and which are as follows: The Declaration of Cedarville College Cedarville College was established in faith and prayer. It stands today, as it always has stood, for genuine Christianity founded upon and agreeable to the inspired Word of God. It was chartered by the descendants of the Covenanters of Scotland. Cedarville College teaches the existence of the one living and true God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. It claims that the Old and New Testaments are the verbally in– spired Word of God and are the only infallible rule of faith and revelation of eternal salvation. It maintains that Jesus Christ is the eternally begotten Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, and is God-man, able to save unto the uttermost all who believe in him. It maintains that man was created in the image of God; that he sinned and brought upon himself physical and spiritual death, that he is born in sin and at the age of accountability becomes responsible for sin in thought, word and deed. It maintains that Christ atoned for man's sins by his death, and man is justified only upon condition of acceptance of the blood atonement. It teaches that all who accept Christ as their personal Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and persevere in righteousness through the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost until the end of their earthly life, when at the appearance of Christ they become like him. It teaches that Christ died, was buried, rose in his crucified body, ascended into Heaven, where he is our intercessor and priest; and that he will come in person in the last times and raise both the just and unjust from the dead and distribute their rewards of eternal con– demnation and eternal salvation. Trusting in God and the co-operation of true Christians in all churches who subscribe to the above tenets of faith, Cedarville College appeals for the support and patronage of all who believe in the fundamental truths of the Bible and the training of men and women for loyal, definite service for Christ's Crown and Kingdom. PAGE EIGHT
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