1930-1931 Academic Catalog

PRELIMINARY APPLICATION (For All Students) I desire to enroll in Cedarville College for year -----– I understand that actual enrollment depends upon my graduat– ing, with satisfactory credits and gra,des, from a first grade high school or other recognized preparatory school. Immediately after graduation I shall ask my Principal or Superintendent to send you an official statement of my high school credits. In case I should change my pla,ns, I shall notify you at once. Name__ --·--- - __ ____ __ ___ - - ---------- - -------- __ _ Address____ __________ ___ __ ___ __________ _________ _ High School_____ ___ _______ __ ______________ ______ _ Year of Graduation__ ______ ________ ______________ _ I recommend the above named student for admission to edarville College. (Signed)----- --- -~-----~---------------------------– High School Principal. (Mail t o W. R. McChesney, Cedarville, 0.)