1930-1931 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE NORMAL COURSE the individual, who can, therefore, better estimate them for himself. College fees, boarding, room rent and cost of text-books vary with the locality. Consequently, the following estimates are based upon these items. In the years in which science courses are taken, from ten to twenty dollars must be added for laboratory fees, and from three to ten dollars for breakage in courses in chemistry. EXPENSES FOR A SEMESTER Registration fee ____ ------ ------- ___________ --------------- $75.00 Laboratory fee in beginning Sciences ------------------------$ 6.00 Laboratory fee in Advanced Sciences -----------------------$10.00 Chemistry deposit fee --------------- ------- ------ - ---------$ 5.00 Graduation fee-------- ------------------------------------$ 5.00 Fee for instruction in Piano -- - ----------------------------- $25.00 Fee for instruction in Piano by instructors -------------------$25.00 Fee for instruction in Voice --------------------------------$25.00 Fee for instruction in Stringed Instruments ---------- --------$25.00 Student Activity fees for first semester each year: Freshmen---------------------------------------------$ 5.00 Sophomores -------------------------------------------$ 6.00 Juniors --------------------------------------------- - -$ 7.00 Seniors -----------------------------------------------$ 8.00 ESTIMATED OTHER EXPENSES A SEMESTER Text-bookt, -------------------------------------- ---------$10.-00 Room-rent for each of two ---- ----------------------------$36.00 Boarding __________ -------- ______ ---------- -- -------------$90.00 Total expense a semester runs from $215 to $245. Total expense for a college year of two semesters runs from $430 to $475. No rebate of laboratory fees will be granted. No rebate in tuition is given after the first six weeks of a semester. PAOE THIHTY-ONE