1930-1931 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES BI BLE PROFES OR Mc HES EY, J RKAT, ' D STEELE 1. OLD TE TAllfE T- Patrlarchal and Hebrew Hi story, poetry, and prophecy. Required. 'l'hree hours a week, lne semester. Proressor teele. 2. NEW TESTA IE T- The llfe of Christ, the Acts of the Apostles, the !Ito of Paul, the Epistles and Revelation. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. Proressor Steele. 3-4. BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY-The testimony of the monuments to the truth or the Scriptures. Various texts are used from year to year. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. Given every third year. 5-6. BIBLICAL CUSTOMS- The llght shed upon the Bible by Eastern man– ners and customs. Elective. On e hour a week throughout the year. Given every third year. 7-8. OLD TEST.AME T LITERATURE-A study or the writings or the Old Testament. Elective. 'l' bree hours a week, throughout t!J.e year. ot given every year. Professor Jurkat. 9-10. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE- A study of the writings of the New Testament. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. i ot g iven every J.iar. Professor Jurkat. 11-12. S. S. Lessons and Methods. One hour a week, thoughout the y1:ar. Pro– fessor McChesney. 14. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION- A study of Pedagogy, History, Curricula, Prln· clples, Organization, and Admin istration of Rellgious Education. One hour, one semes– ter. BIOLOGY PROFESSORS KUEHRMANN AND HOSTETLER 1. BIOLOGY--Special emphasis on human life; preparatory to the courses 1n psychology, nature-study, and health. Three hours credit, first semester. Professor Hostetler. 3. NATURE STUDY-Consists or simple, truthful observations of things abou t us: plant life, animal life, the earth, and the sky; with tea ching both nature-study and agriculture In the elementary schools. c redit, first semester. Professor Hostetler. the common methods for Two hours 5-6. GENERAL ZOOLOGY-A general survey of animal llfe from the stand– point of morphology, physiology, a nd development. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Professor Kuehrmann. 7-8. Same as 5-6 except that the laboratory work ls not required. Elective after r equired work In Science is completed. Professor Kuehrmann. 9-10. GENERAL BOTANY-Study of morphology, Physiology, taxonomy and economics of plants. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Professor Kuehrmann. 11-12. Same as 9-10 except that the laboratory work is not required. Elective after required work in science Is completed. Professor Kuehrmann. CHEMISTRY PROFESSOR KUEHR~iANN 1-2. GENERAL CHEMISTRY-A study of the various eiements and their com– pounds as to their occurence, preparation, properties, and use. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. 3-4. Same as 1-2. except that laboratory work ls n ot r equired. Elective after required work In Science ls completed. 5-6. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS-The principles or gravimetric and vol u– metric analysis, with practical application to typical minerals and metals. !nclud– lng the solution of practical laboratory problems. Elective. Three laboratory periodl! and one recitation period. Four hours credit. Given throughout the year. Prere– quisite 9-10. Open to Juniors only. 7·8. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- Study of carbon and Its compounds, including both ali phatic and aromatic series. General qualitative analysis or organic com– pounds ls taken up in the second semester. Five hours a week throughout the year . Given every second year. Open to Seniors and special students. 9-10. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS-Analysts or metals, acids and bases ; knowns and unknowns. Two laboratory periods and one recitation period throughout the year. Three hours credit. Prerequisite to 5-6. PAGE FORTY