1930-1931 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES 17-18. TEACHERS' TRAINING COURSE in the subjects pursued in high schools, with special dr1lls in syntax, history, and mythology. Throughout the year. Three hours a semester. 20. OVID'S METAMORPHOSES-One semester, three hours. Professor .Angevine. MATHEMATICS PROFE OR D.AVIS, KUEHRM.ANN, HOSTETLER, .AND LUST 1-2. .ARITHMETIC- Methods of teaching .Arithmetic In the primary grades. Three hours a week, throughout the year. Professor Lu st. 3-4. .ARI'l'HMETIC--Professionalized treatment of the content for upper elementary grades, stressing content and method as needs require. Three hours a week, through– out the year. Professor Hostetler. 5. .ALGEBRA-Progressions, permutations, combinations, probablllty, complex numbers, theory of equations, determinants, and Infin ite series. Elective. Pre– requisite: 1% units, High School .Algebra. Four hours a week, one semester. Pro– fessor Davis. 6. TRIGONOMETRY- Trigonometric functions In their relation to the solution of the triangle both plane and spherical. Elective. Prerequisite: 1% units High School .Algebra and 1 unit Plane Geometry. Four hours a week, one semester. Pro– fessor Davis. 7-8. ANALYTIC.AL GEOMETRY- Rectilin ear and polar co-ordin ates, with their avpllcatl ons to the poin t, line, circle, conic sections, both in the piane and in space. Elective. Prerequisite : College .Algebra and Trigonometry. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Davis. 9-10. CALCULUS-Differential and Integral ca,lcu lu s with special applications to physics. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Professor Davis. 11-12. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY- Elective, Prerequisites, 5-10, inclusive. Three hours a week. Professor Kuehrmann. MISSIONS 1-2. GENER.AL COURSE IN MISSIONS- The problems, possibilities. means and obligation s of evang ellzing the world, and the motives, alms, and methods of the foreign missionary. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. 3-4. THE NEW FOREIGN FIELD-A study of the effect of Christianity on social conditions and the modern methods of ,missionary activity. Elective. Three hours a week. Nat given every year. 5-6. MISSIONARY BIOGRAPHY-The lives of noted missionari es of all Christian denominations and fields are studied for their Inspiration and practical information. Elective. Three hours a week. Not given every year. MUSIC PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC MRS. CORRY 1-2. This course consists of scale building, rote songs, note reading, etc. Re– quired for State Elementary Certificate. First and second semesters. Two hours class– room work, one hou r credit. 3. This course consists of methods for each grade, presentation of r ote songs, and history of music. Required for State Elementa ry Certificate. First semester. Two hours of classroom work, one hour credit. ELECTIVE MUSIC PROFESSOR BERKLEY AND MRS. CORRY 5-6. ELECTIVE M ·SIC-Elective work In musi c to the amount of eight credits wlll be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of .Arts, in the case of students enro!Ted ln the collegiate department or in case of graduates of the department of music who afterwards enroll in the collegiate department. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing music must pay the nsual fees for lessons in music in addition to the regular collegiate tuition fees. See the Department of Music for the nature of the work of'l'ered. While the course number for ETective Music remains constant, the work In Elective Music will vary from ~emester to semester. PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR McCHESNEY 1. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY-Greek Philosophy, first and second periods; Phllosophy of the Middle Ages, first and second periods; Modern Philosophy, first, second, third and fourth periods. Three hours a week, elective. 2. LOOI Terms, propositions, syllogisms, fallacies. Required. Three hours a w ek, one semeste1·. PAGE FORTY-FIYE