1930-1931 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES 6. EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY- Sociological principles In relation to educational problems. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester . 7. COMMERCIAL LAW- Deal:ng with the principles of law as applied to the business world. Three hours, one semester. Professor Borst. 8. ADVANCED SOCIOLOGY- E lective. This course deals With the relation of church to social reconstruction. The value of humanity exceeds that of profit. Three hours, one semester. Not given ever y year. SPANI SH PROFESSOR BORST 1-2. BEGINNIN6 SPANISH- A study of grammar and pronunciation. Reading, tests, and quizzes. Three hou rs, two semesters. 3-4. INTERMEDIATE SPA.""11 H- A continuation of 1-2. Three hours, two semes– ters . Not given every year. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROFESSORS BORST AND PARRY, MISS MARSHALL, AND MR. STORMONT 1-2. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN - Required of all men students unless excused by President and Dean of College. Mr. Stormont. 3-4. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN-Required of all women students unless excused by the President and the Dean. Miss Marshall. 5. COACHING FOR MEN-A thorough study of rules, theory and practice of football, basketball, and baseball. Up-to-date texts and laboratory methods will be used. Two hours credit, one semester. Professor Borst. 7. COACHING FOR WOMEN-A thorough treatment of n1les, theory and practice of basketball, indoor baseball and hockey for women. Two hours credit. Professor Borst. 9. HEALTH-A consideration of the hygiene of the school child covering observa– tions for hygienic and easily discoverable physical defects. Anatomy and physiology will be correlated and Instruction given. The hygiene of the classroom and methods of organizing school and class health leagues wifi be emphasized, also the correlation of school subjects with health instruction. Three hours a week. First semester. Pro– fessor Parry. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT MRS. LANE SHORTHAND 1-2. BEGINNI G SHORTHAND-Theory, r eading and dictation practice. Text: Gregg Shorthand Manual. E.lective. Five periods of recitation, three hours credit. Two semesters. 3-4. ADVANCED SHORTHAND- Dictation, speed, business practice. Text: Gregg Speed Studies. Elective. Five periods of recitation, three hours credit. Two semesters. TYPEWRITING 1. BEGINNING TYPING-Fundamentals of typing and business correspondence. Text: Sorelle--The New Ratlonat Typwrltlng, 1927 Edition. Elective. Five periods of recitation, three hours credit. First semester. 2. ADVANCED TYPING- Continuation of Typing 1 with special attention to SJ)eed and business practice. Elective. Five periods of recitation, three hours credit. Second semester. BOOKKEEPING 1-2. BOOKKEEPING- Fundamental accounting principles, partnerships, corpor– ations, financial statements. Text: 20th. Century Bookkeeping and Accounting. Elec– tlTe. Three hours a week, two semesters. Such subjects as English, Sociology, History, Economics, Modern Languages, Ethics, and Public Speaking may be taken in the regular college classes and may be counted a.s credit toward a degree In commercial science In accordance with the requirements of the various commercial colleges. REG ISTRAT ION FEE Rente.l for typewriters, as far as available, per month in advance, $2.50. It ls preferable for students to purchase and own their own typewriters. nook-keeping, per semester in advance, $10.00. Stenography, per semester In advance, $10.00. Type-writing, per semester in advance, $10.00. P.AGE FORTY-SEVE