1930-1931 Academic Catalog

LIST OF GRADUATES 1929 Frances nderson , . B. ; Yellow Springs, Ohio. Teacher In the High School. Harvey uld, A. B. ; R. F. D. 2, Cedarvllle, Ohio. Exchange Bank. James B am, A. B. ; Route 1, enla, Ohio. Farmer. Margaret handler, .B. ; 14115 Lakota Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Law Office. Glenn Coy, A. B. ; Route 7, Xenia, Ohio. Farmer. Robert Dean, A. B. ; Route 3, enla, Ohio. Farmer. Bertram Fleming, A. B.; Richmond, Ill. Student In Garrett '£heologlcal Seminary. arl Frazier, A. Il. ; nlonvllle enter, Ohio. Teacher In the High chool. Robert Jacobs, A. B. ; lies, Ohio. Teacher In High School. Heber Keach, A. B. ; Jamestown, Ohio. Student at O. S. U. James Lemon, A. B. ; Teacher In Randolph High School, Englewood, Ohio. lair Mc eel, A. B. ; 900 Broadway Street, Juinata, Pa. tudent In Western Theological emlnary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Irene hannon, A. B.; 117 Oak Street, Ashtabula, Harbor, Ohio. Teacher In High chool. Edith Wlgal, A. B. ; Kunkle, Ohio. Teacher In High School. edra Wilson, A. B.; Teacher In High School, DeGrafT, Ohio. Two-Year Elementary Normal- 1928 Evelyn Augusta Anders, Route 7, Xenia, Ohio. Teacher In Public Schools, Yellow Spr ings, Ohio. Nellie M. Bowshler , Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Teacher. Frances Bradley, 602 Bellbrook Avenue, Xenia, Ohio. Student In Cedarville College. Marcella Marie Butler, Spr ingfield, Ohio. Teach er. Gertrude Dooley, London, Ohio. Una Clare Harbison, Route 5, Xenia, Ohio. Teacher in Spring Valley Public Schools. Mary Rector, Route 2, Xenia, Ohio. Teacher In Xenia Township School. Christene Smith, Cedarville, Ohio. Teacher at Alpha Public School. 8. Two Year Elementary Normal-1929 Ellamae Clark, Trenton, Ohio. Elementary Teacher. Mary Cox, W. High School, London, Ohio. Elementary Teacher. Gertrude GILmore, College Corner, Ohio. Elementary Teacher. Cleo Hollingsworth, J amestown, Ohio. Annis Hui!, Clifton, Ohio. Elementary Teacher. Mary Jones, Urbana, Ohio. Elementary Teacher. Evelyn Kennedy, 516 Lincoln Way, Bucyrus, Ohio. Elementary Teacher. Lorna Leach, Route l, Jamestown, Ohio. Elementary Teacher at Silvercreek, Ohio. DeWitt Rutan, Route l, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Elementary Teacher at Kings Cree~. Ohio. Howard Scott, Route 1, South Vienna, Ohio. Alberta Snyder, Jamestown, Ohio. Elementary Teacher In Bellbrook, Ohio. Virginia Sortman, 1816 Woodward Avenue, Springfield, Ohio. Elementary Teacher. Lucy Stokesbury, 602 Fourth Street, Washington Courthouse, Ohio. Grace Wlgal, Route 4, Jamestown, Ohio. Teacher In Canaan Township School. Lillian Yaple, Kingston, Ohio. Elementary Teacher In Chillicothe. Ohio. Piano-1928 Helen Powers, Route 3, CedarvUle, Ohio. Student In Cedarville College. Mary Ruth Wham, Cartter, Illinois. Student in Cedar ville College. 2. OFFICERS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION- 1930 President-Rev. Gavin Rellly, '26 .................. 125 School Street, Bradford, Ohio First Vice President-Robert Turnbull, '27 ............. . ............. Cedarville, Ohio Second Vice President- Wilmah Spencer, '15 ...... 405 W. Second Street, Dayton, Ohio Secretary-Treasurer- -Mrs. June Thompson Townsley, '26 .......... . ..... Alpha , Ohio Corresponding Secretary- Mabel Stormont, '17 .................. Route 2, Xenia, Ohio BANQUET COl\Il\lITTEE : Chairman-William Nagley, '28 ................ 925 E. Nauerth Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Ruth Burns, '28 .... . ... . ............................ . .............. Cedarville, Ohio Har,e/ Auld, '29 . ............. • .................................... Cedarville, Ohio Hugh Turnbull, '12 ................................................ Cedarville, Ohio PAGE SIXTY