1931-1932 Academic Catalog

FACULTY LEROY DAVIS, B. Sc., A. B., A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Physics 9 B. Sc., Findlay College, 1924; A. B., Ohio State University, 1925; A. M., Ohio State University, 1927; Instructor, Mathema– tics and Science in Ashville High School, 1927-'29; Professor of Mathematics, Registrar and Secretary to the President, Cedar– ville College, 1929-1930; Professor of Mathematics and Physics, 1929-. OTTO W. KUEHRMANN, B. S. Professor of Science B. S. in Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, 1925; Attended Butler University, 1927-1928, summer 1929. Professor of Natural and Physical Sciences, Cedarville College, 1928-. MRS. DESSA VANDIVIER KUEHRMANN, A. B. Director of Commercial School A. B., Indiana State University, 1917. Graduate Student Business College Columbia University, 1920. Head of Com– mercial Department, Cedarville College, 1930-. LYDIA A. BERKLEY, M. M., B. M. Director of Music Graduate: Lincoln Conservatory of Music; ·Hiram College Conservatory. Special Student (graduate work) Oberlin Con– servatory of Music, Cincinnati College of Music. Head of Organ Department, instructor in Piano-Bucknell University, Pennsyl– vania. Head of Organ Department, instructor in Piano-Mans– field State Normal, Pennsylvania. Head of Piano and Organ Department-Elon College, North Carolina. Director of Music, Cedarville College, 1928-. MRS. HELEN LAUGHLIN CORRY Assistant in Department of Music and Instructor in Public School Music Wooster College Conservatory, 1913; Assistant in Depart– - ment of Music, Cedarville College, 1926-. REV. W. P. HARRIMAN, D. D. Religious Worker Among Students. MRS. J. P. WHITE Lecturer on Missions Editor Women's Missionary Magazine.