1931-1932 Academic Catalog

SUGGESTED COURSES English, six semester-hours; Chemistry, sixteen semester-hours; General Zoology, eight semester-hours; Physics, eight semester-hours; Bible, six semester-hours; General Psychology, three semester-hours; Public Speaking, eight semester-hours; American History, three semester-hours. 41 The course is equivalent to two years of college work. All of its credits count also towards the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. PRE-EDUCATION COURSE All who desire to prepare to teach in the grades or high schools of our country should lay a broad, solid foundation for this vocation and get a true vision of world conditions. The courses in Arts and Science give the work especially needed. They also give the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. Teachers are in most cases required to have degrees. See these cuorses on pages 30-31. PRE-ENGINEERING COURSE Gives the degree of Bachelor of Science. A suggested course for all who wish to prepare for an engineering school. 1. Rhetoric (six semester-hours); 2. Modern Language (twelve to sixteen semester-hours); 3. English (thr~e semester-hours); 4. Public Speaking (Oratory and Debate, eight semester- hours); 5. History (American, three semester-hours); 6. Psychology (General, three semester-hours); 7. Social Science (Economics, six semester-hours); 8. Philosophy (Logic, three semester-hours; Ethics, three semester-hours); 9. Bible (six semester-hours); 10. Religion (Apologetics, · three semester-hours); 11. Mathematics (Algebra and Trigonometry, eight semes– ter-hours; Analytic Geometry and Calculus, eight semester– nours); 12. Science (Chemistry, sixteen semester-hours; Geology, six semester-hours; Physics, eight semester-hours); 13. Biology (Zoology, eight semester-hours; Botany, eight semester-hours); 14. Mechanical Drawing (four semester-hours). 15. Physical Education: In addition to those specified above, four hours of Physical Education are required, but they do not count towards a degree.