1931-1932 Academic Catalog

SUGGESTED COURSES 43 2. English (six semester-hours); 3. Modern or Classical Languages (twelve or sixteen semes- ter-hours); 4. General Psychology (three semester-hours); 5. Chemistry (eight semester-hours); 6. Botany (eight semester-hours); 7. Zoology (eight semester-hours) ; 8. Public Speaking (eight semester-hours); 9. Logic (three semester-hours); 10. Ethics (three semester-hours); 11. Bible (six semester-hours); 12. Sociology (six semester-hours); 13. Economics (six semester-hours); 14. History (six semester-hours); 15. Geography (three semester-hours); 16. Astronomy (three semester-hours); All credits count towards the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. PRE-LIBRARY COURSE A very popular and useful vocation is that of a librarian or a teacher of library courses. The Arts Course, see page 30, is strongly urged as one of the best preparations for a librarian. This coul:'se gives the Bachelor of Arts degree and prepares the student to complete within a year a good course in Library Science at a technical school. PRE-MEDICAL COURSE This course is suggested for students who are preparing to enter a medical school. All credits count towards the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. The completion of the course gives a degree. 1. Rhetoric (six semester-hours); 2. English (six semester-hours); 3. Bible (four sernester-hours); 4. Foreign Language (sixteen semester-hours); 5. Psychology (General, three semester-hours); '6. History (si'x semester-hours); 7. Social Science (Economics, six semester-hours); 8. Phflosophy (Logic, three semester-hours; Ethics, three semester-hours); 9. Science (Chemistry, twenty-four semester-hours; Biology, sixteen semester-hours; ,Geology, six semester-hours; Physics; eight semester-hours). · 10. Religion (Apologetics, three semester-hours). 11. Elective Studies (in addition to those specified above, to an amount sufficient to make one hundred and twenty semester– hours, which is the number required in the Arts-Science course