1931-1932 Academic Catalog

46 THEOLOGIC L SEMINARY division of 1833, affected the Seminary so injuriously that it was again suspend d in 1827. From 1817 until 1823, and again from 1827 until 1844, the training of theological students was under the care of the several presbyteries. Dr. S. B. Wylie trained more than any other minister. Dr. Black instructed many in the West, and Dr. James R. Wilson several in the East. Others studied under the direction of their pastors. In 1844 the Seminary was reorganized with Dr. S. B. Wylie as Professor of Theology, and Dr. Samuel W. Crawford as Adjunct Professor. The course of instruction was to occupy four successive annual sessions, each session to be of four months' duration, from the first of December to the first of April. For a number of years Dr. S. B. Wylie was also assisted by his son, the Rev. Theodorus W. J. Wylie, as Junior Professor. In 1850, a second theological seminary was organized at Xenia, Ohio, with Dr. Gilbert McMaster as Professor of Theology, and the Rev. Hugh McMillan as A ssistant Professor. When the Wylies, father and son, resigned from the East– ern Seminary in 1851, it was removed to New York City, and Dr. John N. McLeod was elected Professor of Theology. In 1854, General Synod decided to unite the Eastern and Western Seminaries and locate the institution at Philadelphia.. The Rev. John N. McLeod, D. D., was elected Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology, and Rev. T. W. J. Wylie wa,s chosen Professor of Biblical Literature. In 1863, the Rev. David Steele, D. D., was elected Professor of Hebrew, Greek and Practical Theology. In ·1868, Doctor Wylie with his Presbytery, seceded from the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and his chair was declared vacant. The Rev. David Steele, D. D., was elected Professor of Biblical Literature in 1869, and upon the death of Doctor McLeod in 1874, was chosen Professor of Theology. The chair of B1blical Literature was filled temporarily by Rev. A. Thompson, Rev. W. J. McDowell and Rev. Matthew Gailey; and in 1876 the Rev. Matthew Gailey was elected to the vacancy. In 1890, the Rev. James Y. Boice, D. D., was elected Pro– fessor of Homiletics, Church History and Pastoral Theology. Upon the death of the Rev. Matthew Gailey in 1902, the Rev. James Steele took up the work of his chair, and in 1903 was · formally elected Professor: of Hebrew and Church History. In 1906, Dr. David Steele died, and the Rev. James Steele resigned. The Rev. W. J. Smiley was in that year elected Pro– fessor of Hebrew and Church 'History, while Dr. Boice taught Theology, Homiletics and Greek until the removal of the Sem– inary from Philadelphia in 1913, when he retired from the active work of the professorship and was elected Professor Emeritus, retaining this honor until his death in 1916. In 1913, the Seminary was removed to Cedarville, Ohio, to