1931-1932 Academic Catalog

72 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION During this past year, out of the 435 living alumni, upwards of one hundred have contributed to the Maintenance and Ex– pansion Fund of the college in sums ranging from five dollars up to two hundred. We shall need not only their help but the help of the other members of the alumni during the coming year in order to raise a Maintenance and Expansion Fund of fifteen thousand dollars to help meet the current expenses and to keep workers in the field for the permanent productive endowment fund. The Alumni Association, in the near future, will organize centers in different localities in order to deepen the interest of its graduates and former students in the college. The next meeting of the Alumni Association will be at one P. M. Friday, June 5, in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 1930-31 President, Earl Collins, '23__82 East Lane Ave., Columbus, Ohio First Vice President, Dallas Marshall, '3Q______Cedarville, Ohio Second Vice President, Day Kennedy, '28________________ _ _________616 West North Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Secretary-Treasurer, Avanelle Brigner, '25 ____Cedarville, Ohio Corresponding Secretary, Frances McChesney, '30________ _ ----------------------------------------Cedarville, Ohio BANQUET COMMITTEE Mrs. R. W. Ustick, Chairman, 'lL---------------------- -----------------352 S. Belmont Avenue, Springfield, Ohio David Bradfute, 'l6______________________Xenia, Ohio, Route 5 Cecil Rife, '22_______________________Cedarville, Ohio, Route 1 Donna Burns, '17----------------N. Platt St., Montpelier, Ohio Malcolm Turner, '27__________________Cedarville, Ohio, Route 3 James C. McMillan, '28___13 South Central Street, Osborn, Ohio