1932-1933 Catalog
OPPORTUNITIES 15 Refectory.- The students have their boarding hall in Carnegie Library. They have their own steward to purchase provisions and also a matron to prepare the provisions. By this method good boarding is secured at about $4 a week. ATHLETICS Athletic Fie!d.-The athletic field has a foot-ball gri<t– iron, a baseball diamond, a hockey ground, and a double tennis court. Basket-ball is played in the gymnasium. Games.-The teams of Cedarville College play football, basket-ball, and baseball with teams of other colleges. Trips are taken throughout the seasons. Two physical directors, one for men and the other for women, have charge of all activities. Physical Education.-Besides the field work mentioned in the above item on athletics, classes in coaching, hiking, gym– nastics, and calisthenics are offered each semester. At least two years of physical education are required of candidates for de– grees. All Freshmen and Sophomores are required to take physical education. SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES Lectures and Concerts.-The Cedarville Lyceum Asso– ciation each year presents a lecture and concert course which is open to students at a nominal cost. Chapel lectures are also given from time to time by members of the faculty and others. Speakers and Entertainers for the Y ear.-Besides the members of the Faculty the following have been chapel speakers for the year : Rev. W. P. Harriman, D. D., Dayton, Ohio. Rev. Harry Hutchison, D. D., Columbus, Ohio. Rev. William L. McEwan, D. D., L. L. D., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rev. Dwight R. Guthrie, Ph. D., Cedarville, Ohio. Rev. R. A. Jamieson, D. D., Cedarville, Ohio. Rev. C. A. Hutchison, Cedarville, Ohio. Mrs. Mary E. Cartwright, Columbus, Ohio. Rev. C. A. Sunberg, D. D., Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. Richard McClelland, Xenia, Ohio. Miss Juanita Rankin, Xenia, Ohio. Dr. Edward Eigeneschenck, Chicago, Ill. Mr. Joseph Jirec, Springfield, Ohio. Prof. Frederick Lewis Bach, Springfield, Ohio.
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