1932-1933 Catalog
22 OLLEGIATE DEP RTMENT COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT GENERAL INF RMATION IN REGARD TO THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT GRADING AND MARKS In all courses students are graded according to their scholar– ship by the use of the following symbols: A, denoting excellent; B, denoting good; C, denoting fair; D, denoting passing; and F, denoting failed. The comparative merit of tests, examinations and all other exercises, as well as the final standing of the stu– dent in any course, are indicated by the use of the same symbols. A equals 93-100; B equals 85-92; C equals 78-84; D equals 70-77. REQUIRED MERIT POINTS In every course in the collegiate department as many merit points are required for graduation as credits or semester– hours. For grade excellent, three points for each credit are awarded; for grade good, two points; for grade fair, one point; for grade passing, no points. The maximum number of points that can be secured by a student graduating in a course which required, for example, 120 credits is 360 ; the minimum 120. It is evident that an aver– age grade of fair is necessary for graduation. Students who by r eason of grade of passing fall behind in the required number of points, are ineligible for graduation. By the use of points a student may readily determine the quality of progress he is making in his course. HONOR SOCIETY In 1920 an honor society, called the Cedarville College Crown Club, was established, to which members are elected by the faculty on the basis of excellence in scholarship. (1) A Junior or Senior who for two semesters, not necessarily consecu– tive, has acquired a grade of A in all of his studies may be elected to membership in this society, (2) or one who in four semesters has obtained not more than one grade of B for each semester, all other grades being A, may be elected to member– ship. (3) A student may be elected to membership upon gradu– ation after a full four-year's course, provided he has no grade below B and three-fourths of his grades are A. (4) Students who have taken part of their college course in other institu– tions are eligible to the society by either of the first two standards given above, but not by the third. Upon election to this society the student is presented with a gold pin in the design of a crown similar to that in the seal of the College, and bearing the letters C. C. C. C.
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