1932-1933 Catalog

32 ARTS-EDU TIONAL COURSE THE ART -EDU ATIO 0 RE Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and the State High School Certificate This curriculum is intended for those who wi sh a r egular collegiate education and in addition t horough preparation for t eaching in high schools. Its complet ion requires r esidence work for the amount of one hundred and twenty credits or se– mes t er hours. Upon the completion of thi s course t he student receives from Cedarville College a diploma of graduation, and the degree of Bachelor of Arts. From the Department of Public Instruc– tion of the State of Ohio he r eceives, without examination, a provisional certificate entitling him to teach in any high school, or to superintend schools in any school district in the state for a period of four years. After the holder of this provisional cer– tificate has taught upon it successfully for twenty-four months, he is given, also without any examination, a state life high school certificate. The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts and the state high school cert ificate in the arts-education curriculum are as follows: 1. Bible (six semester-hours selected from this depart- ment); 2. Rhetoric (six semester-hours); 3. English and American Literat ure (six semester-hours); 4. Foreign Language (from twelve to sixteen semester– hours, including two years' work in one language or one years' work in each of two languages if selected from the following: French, German, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew); 5. Natural Science (eight semester-hours, including any one of the following sciences; Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, or Physics; each science being pursued throughout an entire col– legiate year) ; 6. History (three semester-hours, a required course in American history) ; 7. Oratory (four semester-hours); 8. Argumentation and Debating (four semester-hours); 9. General Psychology (three semester-hours); 10. Logic (three semester-hours); 11. Social Science (three semester-hours in Economics and three semester hours in Sociology); 12. Ethics (three semester-hours); 13. Apologetics (three semester-hours); 14. Introduction to Teaching with Observations (two semes– ter hours); 15. History of Education in the United States (three semes– ter-hours);