1932-1933 Catalog

SUGGESTED COURSES English, six semester-hours; Chemistry, sixteen semester-hours; General Zoology, eight semester-hours; Physics, eight semester-hours; Bible, six semester-hours; General Psychology, three semester-hours; Public Speaking, eight semester-hours; American History, three semester-hours. 43 The course is equivalent to two years of college work. All of its credits count also towards the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. PRE-ENGINEERING COURSE Gives the degree of Bachelor of Science. A suggested course for all who wish to prepare for an engineering school. 1. Rhetoric (six semester-hours); 2. Modern Language (twelve to sixteen semester-hours); 3. English (thr~e semester-hours); 4. Public Speaking (Oratory and Debate, eight semester- hours); 5. History (American, three semester-hours); 6. Psychology (General, three semester-hours); 7. Social Science (Economics, six semester-hours); 8. Philosophy (Logic, three semester-hours; Ethics, thre.e semester-hours); 9. Bible (six semester-hours); 10. Religion (Apologetics, three semester-hours); 11. Mathematics (Algebra and Trigonometry, eight sem§.8- ter-hours; Analytic Geometry and Calculus, eight semester– hours); 12. Science (Chemistry, sixteen semester-hours; Geology, six semester-hours; Physics, eight semester-hours); 13. Biology (Zoology, eight semester-hours; Botany, eight semester-hours); 14. Mechanical Drawing (four semester-hours). 15. Physical Education: In addition to those specified above, four hours of Physical Education are required, but they do not count towards a degree. PRE-HOME ECONOMICS COURSE Gives a Certificate. The following subjects are suggested for students prepar– ing for home economics and also to enter a school of home economics: Rhetoric (six semester-hours); Chemistry (sixteen hours); Botany (eight semester-hours); Zoology (eight semester-hours);