1932-1933 Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 49 co-operation, wages, inter est, and profits. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. 3-4. THE SCIENCE OF BUSINESS Value, r ent, inter est , banking, foreign trade, profits. Elec– tive. Three hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite 1. Not g iven every year. 5. ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. EDUCATION P ROFESSOR HOSTETLER 1. KL"\IDERGARTEN-Primary Theory-A study or th e pr e-school c hild with reference to kindergarten and primary work. Two hour s a week, fi rst semester. 2. JUVENILE LITERATURE AND TEACHING OF READING-Methods 1n teaching reading In the upper elementary grades, with particular attention t o content. Three hours a week, thrnughout the year. 3. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE .AND TE.A.CH ING PRIMARY READING- ~ .A study of content and methods of teaching reading in the prLmary grade. / .J., Three hours a week throughout the year. 4. CLA S ALL'IAGE~rn '!'- Required for State Elementary Certificate ... l.. .A discussion of the management factors which must be met by the classroom 1/f' teachers. 'l'wo hours, second semester. 5. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY- This course is designed for students J / k preparing for elementary teaching. Attention is given to the mental develop- ~ r:u ment of children, human behavior, and the laws of learning. 'l'hree hours credit, , vr second semester. 6. OBSERVATIO • A 'D PAR'l'ICIPATION- Required for State Elementary7 Certificate. Required of all Freshmen in the two-year elementary course, as a prerequisite for Student Teaching. Six hours of classroom work, Three hours. second semest r. 7. PRINCIPLES OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION- This cour se attempts to ootabllsh the principles underlying education as revealed by natur al science and theology, with due regard to the individual, social, and educational pro– cesses in currlculUJll construction and methodology. Various texts are used, 'l'hrce hours, second semester. 8. INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING-A guidance course designated to as– sist the student in the choice of a teaching field, study various phases of ed– ucation, different types of sch·ools, a general survey of education field. Two hours a week. First :semester. 9. HISTORY OF ED CA'l'ION IN THE UNITED STATES-A study of the evolution o! American educational ideals and practices, with special reference to the origin and development or those features of our present-day practices which are most characteristically American. Lectures, following a text, as– signed readings and investgation of an assigned topic. Three hours a week, First semester. 10. CLASS MANAGEMENT- Required for State High School Certificate. This course takes up a discussion of the management factors which must be met by the classroom teacher. First J5emester, two hours credit. 11. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY- A study of Psychological principles ap– p!kable to secOJ1dary education. The receiving, connecting, and re-acting mechanisms, perception, consciousness, mechanics and dynamics of human na– ture. Three hours a week, 11:econd semester. General Psycl.1ology prerequisite. Open only to Juniors and Seniors. 12. OBSERVATION .AND PART! IPATION- Requlred for State High