1932-1933 Catalog
60 DES RIPTION F OURSES Srhonl 1'rtlflrnt\ Opun to ,Tnnlors nml R1,11lors. 'l'hls rourso ls n prorcoulslto fn1· ~tnrll•nt 'l\',\l'bln . ~L· houn; of clas~room work 111 rcqulr d for tho course. l•'lr. t st\Jlll' ·t,•r. thn•1' hourn crl'!11t. 13. 1<;1n'C.\TIO:,/AL :\lf:.unrnEMI, 'r, - study or intelligence ests, stnmlurdlzcd ksts. und statl11tirnl mcthocL'i. The old typo nnd new type sub– kct mntr1•r c. amluutlons nre also discussed. Electlvo. Two hours, second se– mestN·. H. TUDEi ''l' TE.ACHING ·Required for State High Achoo! Certlflcate. Four hours of cn•rllt are given for teaching one hour a day for twelve w ks; five hours, for eighteen \\ eeks. 15. STUDEi\T TE.A HJ, G-Requlred for State Elementary Certificate. }?our hours of credit are given for teaching one hour a day for twelve weeks; five hours, for eighteen weeks. 16. llIA,lOR AND l\IINOR METHODS-1\Iethods of teaching high school subjects are offered In the followlru(: English, French, German, Latin, History, l\Iathemnt!cs, Science, Social Science. The above subjects are taught by the professors in whose departments they ar e listed. Two hours, second semester. 17. PRINCIPLE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION-The individual-social principles of the philosophy of life and education are considered, with adequate attention to the adolescent age of the secondary group. Three hours, first se– mester. 18. SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRI CULA-A study of the origin and de– velopment of the secondary school curriculum, with a discussion of the import– ance or the sociological approach to curriculum making. Two h ours, second semester. ENGLISH f: PROFESSORS ANGEVINE AND WOLFE 3-4. BEGINNING RHETORIC Expression of simple, fluent , and forcible English is taught. Required. Three hours a week throughout the year. Pro– f essor Wolf e. 6. ADVANCED RHETORIC A course in which t he advanced types and practices of r hetoric are studied. Formal essays, editorials and other var ious forms ar e emphasized. Elective. Two hours, one semest er. 7. GENERAL SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Repr esentative works of the great English writers :from t he earliest hi st ory of t he English people to t he present. Open to Sophomores and Juniors only, except by permission of the prof essor. Required. Three hours a week, first semester. Professor Angevine. 8. GENERAL SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE Represent at ive works of the great American writers from the earliest history of the nation to the present. Open to Sophomores and Juniors only, except by permission of the professor. Required. Three hours a week, second semester. Professor Angevine. 9. DEVELOPMENT OF THE DRAMA A history of the drama beginning with the Greek Drama and following its progress through the centuries. Repre-
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