1933-1934 Academic Catalog

11 GENERAL INFORMATION Dramat:cs.-Plays, minstr ls, and recitals are giv n throughout the year by various classes and organizations. These ut fo r<l a splendid opportunity for the development of the drama– tic ability of the students. The Cedrus.-An illustrated college annual, The Cedrus, published by the students, crystallizes the activities of the year into p rmanent literary and pictorial form. Glee Club.-C darv .lle College has a Glee Club under the direction of Mrs. Work, head of the Department of Music. It consist of twenty girls. The Gl ee Club represents the college in trips to high schools and churches. It provides exceilent training in the development of the voice. This club is open to all girls who can sing. Quartettes.-The college has two quartettes, a male and a female. These quartettes are trained by the Director of the Department of Music. They visit high schools and churches in the interests of the college. Mixed Chorus.-A mixed chorus of thirty-five voices is a new feature of the Music Department. It offers advantages both pleasurable and profitable. CONTESTS AND PRIZES John Alford Prizes.-These prizes, established by the Rev. John Alford, D. D., a distinguLc;;hed minister of the Re– formed Presbyterian Church, and a trustee of Cedarville College, are now continued in his memory by his daughter, Miss Martha Alford, and awarded annually through the Cedarville College Crown Club for the attainment of high scholarship. Bible Reading Contests.-Miss Margaret Belle Rife, of the Class of 1916, annually offers prizes of seven, five, and three dollars for a girls' Bible reading contest held in April of each year. Rev. C. M. Ritchie, D. D., an honorary alumnus of the class of 1916, annually offers prizes of seven, five, and three dollars for a men's contest held in November of each year. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Socials.-It is the annual custom for each young peoples' society of the local churches to give a welcome social to the faculty and students of the college at the opening of the year. The various classes hold socials and have spreads. The faculty gives socials to the students. The president of the college gives an annual social to the faculty and students. At the close of the year the juniors tender a banquet to the seniors and the faculty.