1933-1934 Academic Catalog
GENERAL INFORMATION 15 Heme Coming.-Each year , on the first Saturday even– ing of February, the home team plays a basket-ball game w~th a visiting college team following a dinner in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. At this affair gather faculty, friends, students, and alumni of the college. Alumni Meeting.-On the afternoon of Commencement Day, it is the custom for the alumni to hold their annual business meeting and dinner in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. To this come friends, former students, faculty, students, and alumni. All of these affairs afford splendid opportunities for the highest type of social gatherings. Cedar Day.- On the first Friday of June, during Com– mencement week, is a gala time, or Cedar Day. The classes of the college give stunts, songs are sung, the May Pole is celebrated. An oration is delivered. Baseball is played with a team of some visiting college. Colors are unfurled. People gather by the thousands from far and near. It is the popular day of the year. Commencement Day.-The crowning day of the year is the first Monday of June. The hour is 10:00 o'clock in the morning. The place is the Cedarville Opera House. A large concourse always greets the graduates to give them well wishes for the future. Opening Day.-The opening day of the year is another attraction for the public as well as the students. The opening day this year is Wednesday, September 6, at 8:00 A. M. The exercises will consist of devotions, an address, good music, and the organization of the school for the year. All are welcome. PUBLICATIONS College Bulletin.-The College Bulletin is issued monthly from the College Office. In addition to the purely college matter, it contains alumni news and student news. Stu– dents, alumni, and friends can render a valuable service to the college by sending names and -addresses of prospective students and also names and addresses of men and women of means who are willing to give to the support of a Christian college. Any sum will be gladly received. thankfully acknowledged, and wisely used. ATHLETICS Athletic Field.-The athletic field has a foot-ball grict– iron, a baseball diamond, a hockey ground, and a double tennia court. Basket-ball is played in the gymnasium.
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