1933-1934 Academic Catalog

GENERAL INFORMATION 19 able cir cumstances t o leave the college before the end of the Semester, r ebates will be granted as follows on the tuition fee only: Before t he end of two weeks, 80 per cent; before the end of four weeks, 60 per cent; before the end of six weeks, 40 per cent; after the sixth week no rebate will be made. No rebate will be made to students who are " dropped from the rolls." The tuition fee for st udents entering the college late in the semester shall be $5.00 a week. Students carrying less than eight hours a semester shall pay $5.00 a credit. Special Opportunity.-Cedarville College by economy and sacr ifi ce offers a college education of high type at the lowest possible cost. Students from a distance can meet all of their expenses from $300 t o $400 a year or a little over $8 a week, Students who are residents of Cedarville or nearby districts, towns and cities can meet all of their expenses at about $175 a year . These expenses include tui t ion, board, furnished, heated and lighted room and books for students at a distance; and tuition and books for students who are residents of Cedarville or places nea rby. RULES AND REGULATIONS A Book of Rules and Regulations has been adopted by the faculty and students for t he good order of the school. This book covers attendance, absences, athletics, g r ading, recitations, lectures, chapel, honor s, conduct, etc. It may be obtained on 'tequest. Supervision of W omen.-All non-resident girls are under the direct supervision of the Dean of Women and are re– sponsible to her f or t heir conduct. Regulations governing conduct are fo rmulated by the Dean of Women and the Students' Council, which is composed of two girls from t he Senior Class , t wo from t he Juni or Class, one Sophomore and one F r eshman. Attendance.-1. All studen ts ar e r equired to be punctual ~nd regular in their attendan ce at chapel, r ecitations, and all other exercises of the Colleg-e. 2. No excuses are granted for absences from any r ecitations , tests, or examinations. All students will be held r esponsible for - any work missed on account of absence. 3. Students shall be allowed as man y absences from any subject during a semester as the subject recites a week plus one without deduction as provided in r ule 5. 4. Absences on the first and last regular recitation days of ach semester, on the recitation days immediately preceding and . following all holidays and vacations and on t he day of Prayer for Colleges shall count double.