1933-1934 Academic Catalog

MUSIC DEPARTMENT Requirements for graduation and diploma. Jiarmony -----------------------------------6 hours Analytical Harmony ------------------------2 hours llistory of Music ---------------------------4 hours Appreciation of Music -----------------------2 hours Orchestration -------------------------------2 hours Applied Music -----------------------------8 hours Interpretation -------------------- ----------2 hours College Rhetoric ----------------------------6 hours General Psychology _________________________3 hours 35 French or German ------------- - ----------12 hours English Literature --------------------------6 hours Physical Education ---------------------- - --2 hours Two satisfactory recitals must be given in order to be an applicant for a diploma in music. V oice.-Admission to this course will be based largely on vocal equipment and aptitude. Entrants must have studied public school music, or must have the equivalent of a two-year course in piano or other instrument. FIRST AND SECOND YEARS Sight-reading. Breath control, voice placing, tone production. Vocalises by Concone, Sieber and others. Songs of moderate difficulty. B~gin study of languages. Chorus singing. Piano. INTERMEDIATE OR JUNIOR YEAR Development of range. Exercises for flexibility. Vocalises by Concone, Bordogni and others. Commencement of repertoire. Languages. Harmony. Chorus singing. Piano. For completion of this year, the student must appear in - Public Recital, singing such selections as may be required by the instructor. SENIOR (OR COLLEGIATE) YEAR Continuation of technical development. Advanced vocalises. Ultra-modern repertoire. Program building. Stage deportment.