1933-1934 Academic Catalog

HIGH S HOOL RI<~ ORD pon graduation from_ _______________High School I shall haYc the following credits: Group I. Group II. Group III. Group IV. No. of Unit f. 1. English ------------------------ 2. Latin--------------------------- 3. French ------------------------- 4. Ger1nan ------------------------- 5. Spanish------------------------- 1. Mathematics -------------------- 2. Science ------------------------- a. General ---------------------- b. Botany- ---------- ------------ c. Geology ---------------------- d. Physics ---------------------- e. Zoology ---------------------– £. Chemistry -------------------- 1. History a. General b. Ancient c. Mediaeval ------------------ __ _ d. Modern --------------- ------- e. English ------------------- - -– £. American ---------- ---------- 1. Manual Training -- - --------- - --- 2. Drafting ------------------- ____ _ 3. Commercial Course -------------- 4. Music -------------------------- 5. Art ------------------------- -- - - 6. Additional Subjects ------ _______ _ My average grade to date is -------------