1933-1934 Academic Catalog
COURSES OF STUDY 45 12. OBSERVATION AND PARTICIPATION Observations are made in the field in which the student is preparing to teach. The student is led to observe the physical environment, the nature of the child, the person– ality of the teacher, and methods of teaching. Three hours credit. Given both semesters. 14. PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION A study of the aims and objectives of education, the psychological and biological bases for contemporary practices both as to subject matter and methodology. Three hours credit, second semester. 15. INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING A general survey of education designed for guidance in the choice of the specific teaching field, and basic to a fundamental professional attitude. Two hours credit, first semester. 17. HISTORY OF EDUCATION A study of the evolution of American educational ideals and practices, with special reference to the origin and develop– ment of those features of our present- day practices which are most characteristically American. Three hours credit, first semester. 23. STUDENT TEACHING Required for State Elementary Certificate. Four hours credit are given for teaching one hour a day for twelve weeks. Four hours credit, second semester. 24. STUDENT TEACHING Required for State High School Certificate. Four hours credit are given for teaching one hour a day for twelve weeks. Four hours credit, second semester. 28. METHODS Methods of teaching either elementary or high school sub– jects are taught by the professors of the departments wherein they belong. Two hours credit, first semester. 29. TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS A study of intelligence tests, standardized tests, and the new-type subject-matter tests, with the meaning and ap– plication of statistical methods. Two hours credit, second semester. ENGLISH PROFESSORS ANGEVINE AND WORK 3-4. BEGINNING RHETORIC Expression of simple, fluent, and forcible English is taught. Required. Three hours a week throughout the year. Pro– fessor Work. 6. ADVANCED RHETORIC A course in which the advanced types and practices of
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