1933-1934 Academic Catalog
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 63 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Association was organized with the first graduating class in 1897. It has functioned ever since. It has increased in numbers and in usefulness to the college. During this last year a number have contributed to the Maintenance and Expansion Fund of the college in sums ranging from five dollars up to one hundred. We shall need not only their help but the help of the other members of the alumni during the coming year in order to raise a Maintenance and Expansion Fund of ten thousand dollars to help meet the current expenses and to keep workers in the field for the permanent productive endowment fund. The Alumni Association, in the near future, will organize centers in different localities in order to deepen the interest of its graduates and former students in the college. The next meeting of the Alumni Association will bt at 12 :30 P. M., Mon– day, June 5 in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION President, James McMillan, '32, _________________Osborn, Ohio First Vice President, Judge S. C. Wright, '03, __Cedarville, Ohio Second Vice President, Lucile Johnson, '24 -------------- ___________________ _45 Pease Ave., West Carrollton, Ohio Cor. Sec., Mabel Stormont, '17, _________Xenia, Ohio, Route 5 Rec. Sec., Carrie Rife, '04, __________________Cedarville, Ohio. MEMBER OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lloyd Confarr, '09, ______ .:_ __________________Cedarville, Ohio - BANQUET COl\1:MITTEE W. P. Harriman, Chairman, '12 __ go Oxford Ave., Dayton, Ohio Mrs. Anna 0. Wilson, '00, ___________________Cedarville, Ohio Elmer Jurkat, '26, __________________________Cedarville, Ohio Mrs. W.W. Anderson, '18, ____502 N. Galloway St., Xenia, Ohio Mrs. J. C. McMillan, '28, ____________________Osborn, Ohio James Stormont, '31, ___________________Xenia, Ohio, Route 5
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