1935-1936 Academic Catalog

GENERAL INFORMATION celebr ated. An or ation is delivered. Baseball is played with a team of some vi siting college. Colors are unfurled. People gather by the thousands from far and near. It is the popular day of t he year. Commencement Day.-The crowning day of the year ·s the first F riday of June. The hour is ten o'clock in the morn– ing. The place is the CedarVI11e Opera House. A large con– course always greE>ts the graduates to give them well wishes for the future. Opening Day.-The opening day of the year is another attract ion for the public as well as the students. The opening day t hi s year is Wednesday, September 7 at 8:00 A. M. The exercises will consist of devotions, an address, good music, and t he organization of the school for the year. All are welcome. PUBLICATIONS College Bulletin.-The College Bulletin is issued month– ly from the College Office. In addition to the purely college matter, it contains alumni news and student news. Students, alumni, and friends can render valuable service to the college · by sending names and addresses of prospective students and also names and addresses of men and women of means who are willing to give to the support of a Christian college. Any sum will be gladly received, thankfully acknowledged, and wisely used. ATHLETICS Athletic Field.-The athletic field has a foot-ball grid– iron, a baseball diamond, and a double tennis court. Basket– ball is played in the gymnasium. Games.-The teams of Cedarville College play tennis, basket-ball, and baseball with teams of other colleges. Trips are taken throughout the seasons. Two physical directors, one for men and the other for women, have charge of all activities. Physical Education.-Besides the field work mentioned :ill the above item on athletics, classes in coaching, hiking, gym– na stics, and calisthenics are offered each semester. At least two years of physical education are required of candidates for de– grees. All Freshmen and Sophomores are required to take physical education.