1935-1936 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC oncerto by Davidoff or Saint-Saens, Concerto by Haydn or Schumann , and a work selected by the instructor. Summary.- Violin, Viol a, Violincello; Preparatory Piano; Theory and Composit ion; Histor y and Literature of Music; Orchestra and Ensemble ; Academic Subjects. Classifications and Examinations.-As the students of t his department may be of any scholastic standard it is only necessary t hat satisfactory credentials be shown by those who desire em ollment to elect work in any of the branches taught. While t he courses are of p1·ofe'ss ional character in that they a im t o g ive the student a sufficient rounded training to qualify for pursuit of musical activity as a career, they should al so make strong appeal to the musically interested amateur as of great cultural value. The courses of study have 1been outlined in such a way that r egardless of the number of years the pupil has studied the de– gree of proficiency alone shall be the basis for recognition by the college in the granting of a diploma showing that a pre– scribed course has been satisfactorily completed by the student. 'With all musical courses there shall be a systematic course in elementary theory and ear drill and a like course in Harmony a s far as the dominant seventh chord completed. The depart ment o-f music is located in the College Library, which is but a short distance from the campus. REGISTRATION FEE Irtstrnctfon in Pipe Organ, by professors, per semester in advance, $25.00, one lesson a week. Two lessons a week, per semester in advance, $45.00. Instruction in Piano, by professors, per semester in advance, $21.00, one lesson a week. Two lessons a week, per semester in advance, $38.00. Instruction in Voice, per semester in advance, $21.00, one lesso:n a week. Two lessons a week, per semester in advance, $38.00. Insb·uction in Stringed In struments, per semester in ad- vance, $21.00, one lesson a week. Harmony-two lessons per week (in class), $8.00. Hist ory of Music-two lessons per week (in class), $8.00. Theory of Music-two lessons per week (in class), $8.00.